Wednesday, March 2, 2016

3.2.16 Be not weary

Addie has quite the knack for photography. Thank goodness she takes my phone and captures some of our adventures. Sunday night was the last Sunday of February thus is was home teaching time. The girls had made a deal with our home teacher to bake him a pie. This turned into a dinner invitation after some quick unexpected bartering on Greg and I's teaching route, landed us with some Jersey steaks. Jersey's are a bread of cows that some people think is the premium beef. We are not convinced yet but as our home teacher spends a lot of tiem and energy providing fun  memorable experiences for our family it was the least we could to share his favorite meat with his family.

We traded some smoked salmon and chocolate chip cookies for the steaks. They were happy we were happy! And Aliza didn't have to eat salmon which she hates. Funny kid.

So after a 10 hour day of church service we came home did chores and made dinner and dessert for 20. No big deal, all in a Sunday!! Sundays are long days for me, I don't look forward to them anymore.
But it was thoroughly enjoyable to have the company and enjoy visiting. And some important conversations came from the experience.

Our home teacher who our kids adore!

Pre-attention activity, as the lesson was on airplanes and turbulence the kids and dads made paper airplanes.

My sister and her family came. Love how cute these two little girls are, becoming friends.
And I love John's dimples can you see them. They are deep and defined. He is a cutey, unfortunately growing up and dealing with stuff that is the garbage of modern living. How thankful I am to be able to hear my children and to be blessed with insight and inspiration to be able to teach them and hopefully help them navigate the muddy waters of perversion that are ragging unchecked at this time in our society.

I can't emphasize enough how important it is to listen and listen and question and listen to kids these days. There is much going on at each age that is not okay. We have to teach them to be better and how to handle the things they hear and see.

Some of dessert. We had apple, coconut cream, blackberry, and berry cream. Lots of people means lots of selection.

The little jersey steaks are on the bottom corner of the pan. Our main complaint it takes forever to put meat on a jersey. That breed gets a great big belly- which is good for nothing and little cover on the flanks and hips which is where most cuts of meat are. But again it was a special treat for our guest of honor so we were glad to share. And a very kind present from our other friends who gifted it to us.

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