Tuesday, March 8, 2016

3.8.16 wedding

This weekend my brother got married! It was a quickly planned event, thus proving once again great things can happen when many people work together! Kevin asked me Thursday night to play the piano for the occasion Saturday at 5. I have not practiced the piano seriously for years.

I therefore spent about 6 hours in the next 30 practicing the piano. Addie told me Friday night "Mom your practicing is getting really old!" I would have slapped her sassy face but my wrists were too sore and I needed to keep my concentration on the piano. She did however settle comfortable into a chair and enjoyed reading for an hour while I played. Mark joined us as well laying on the floor near the piano bench reading. It was one of those golden mother moments where you can feel the spirit and goodness in your home even in spite of those that live there. This opportunity also reminded me how much I do love the piano, trying to make it a less sporadic activity around here. And how classical music does invite different feelings than even the ok classical music we usually indulge.

So we showed up after grabbing Anna and Aliza from a friend who had taken them to Pendleton Oregon (4hours away) to compete in a book knowledge competition. We rushed to the church got there 10 minutes early where I immediately commenced playing the piano. It was like a piano recital with unknown ending. I played for 20 minutes finally just starting the song she had requested walking in to and viola the bride appeared. She looked beautiful I think (I stared a minute during the long picture taking session) I didn't dare while they were getting married, didn't want to detract at all. I saw them start kissing and that was my cue to start playing again.

All photos courtesy of my enterprising Addie!

We adjourned to the gym for a lovely post wedding feast and lots of visiting. About half the wedding guests were under the age of 8. You might notice little people in or around most the pictures. These kids love their uncle and aunt. We posed for pictures and went back in for the cake cutting and finishing our dinner.

This is my reliable attention to detail sister cutting the delicious and beautiful cake the brides mom whipped up. Mary made sure the cake served everyone equally. She is such a great sister to make sure things turn out right.

Anna caught the bride bouquet (this was a mini version) and lucky Reed (age almost 6) caught the garter. Never saw that so I think he may have just tossed it in the nearby garbage can. Guess I need to talk to that boy.

And our favorite part the clean-up. This gym was organized a bit different than most. The tables had to be lifted on the stage and the chairs had to be stacked 2 to the Left 2 to the Right all night! But the kids are well practiced and made quick work of the take down. Along with some strong dads! Thank goodness for manly men.

And the great dads did the final spit polish- I mean mop. Love these guys. Always one to make the task more pleasant the one in the white shirt played some good ol' Chris Laddeux on his iPhone and the job was done perfectly and quickly. Greg was vacuuming the halls and we were loading cars.

It was a great night and another fun chapter in being a family. So thankful for all these great people that are my family. I'm grateful for the good they bring and their individual talents. Each person contributed in their own way to make it a good day!

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