Friday, March 25, 2016

3.25.16 pulling a pin

 Our baby is quite the clever one. I had found a pin on the floor and hooked it onto my shirt to return to the sewing supplies.  she of course discovered the new adornment and pulled it off my shirt and poked me. I proceeded to push the pin deep into a chair thinking it wouldn't hurt anyone and I could take it with me when I left.

 She slipped off my lap and tried to pinch the pin out. Finding this unsuccessful she proceeded to pull with her teeth.

 See the wet spot she showed me her skill several times. She of course succeeded.

 My great grandmother would often comment "I was getting too big for my britches." This little lady is in that category right now! After the pin pulling she finished her bed time snack only by feeding herself via spoon or fingers but absolutely no interference from mom!!

The happy camper finally ready for bed.

A quick end note. These stories are mostly for the benefit of my children. Our children have come very quickly to our home and I fear to admit but I remember few details of the older kids antics. I'm sure they had similar cuteness and stubbornness. Of course the anecdotes would be different as supplies and opportunities were different but the idea is the same nonetheless. As we get nearer the end (surely over half-way) I want to remember these times and need to remind myself these kiddos are amazing and quickly and slowly advancing into their individual self's. Afton is changing so quickly and is such a ham thanks to the adoring fan club that constantly attends her. We are thankful for each time we get to go through the stages with each child in our home. They are all unique but funny and quite accomplished. 

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