Wednesday, March 23, 2016

3.23.16 service project

Harold was asked in young men's to come help clean up the local church camp. All the other young men were busy so we decided to go with Harold to help. When we arrived on time there was the high counselor, and Harold's young men leader. We were instructed to rake the leaves from the big lawn. This was looking like a big project, and we were so relieved to see other vans and pickups slowly roll in.

Addie taking pictures.

Greg of course doesn't quit. He is always on the move at service projects. He carried many cans of leaves. The boys were also on carrying duty. Anna, Aliza, Addie, and I raked.

Half of the yard that was cleared.

After Anna worked pretty hard for an hour and half her hands were pretty blistered so she took Afton duty. Afton loves to be with everyone. It was a pleasant day when the wind wasn't blowing and we enjoyed the time outdoors. The best reward was the picnic after. I grew up going to the Owyhees for family picnics. We rarely take the time these days to go recreate so this work project gave us a reason to be in the area, and being that it was lunch time and it happened to also be Reed's birthday which was a double bonus. The kids had a great time with their cousins playing in the Owyhee river. We roasted hot dogs, fried bacon, and inhaled s'mores. It was a beautiful day mostly because we were all together. 

The proud 6 year old showing off his coordination skills. My boys love to do headstands on the couches. This guy is funny and helpful. Don't know what I will do when he leaves home for school in the fall. I love how reliable 5 year olds become and 6 year olds are just more. We sure love our Reed.

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