Thursday, March 10, 2016

3.10.16 Can I pray with you?

A friend shared her expereince with a pastor praying with and for her while she was in the hospital for an extended stay. I too remember people offering to pray for me when I was in the hospital. These actions made me stop an ponder my own faith and love for others. Why don't I do that? I've gotten better at offering to pray for someone but wouldn't it help them to hear my love and insure I remembered to rpay fro them if I did it right then?After pondering and having increasingly difficult situations that I was a part of- part of my job in the church right now I realized God is the only person who can realyl do anything for these hurting people and I needed to stop being so stingy and pray with them.

Well I'm writing to report that the experience of praying for someone with them is amazing! The spirit is so strong and the witness of their worth and God's love for them is truly humbling and touching. God knows each of us and truly seeks to comfort, help, and sustain us in our trials. He is the only one who can do this and we need to rely on Him more often.

How grateful I am for these experiences and for the opportunity to share my faith with others. God is real He is alive and He does care about all of us people on earth no matter how messy our situation may be. This is the true message and awesomeness of the Easter season. The recognition of the all powerful Savior of the World and the acceptance of his sacrifice that we might be with Him in His loving presence again and forever. Best to you today.

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