Monday, March 28, 2016

3.25.16- Some more spring break

I began spring break thinking I was going to be sitting for a week. I'm trying to teach and allow my older children independence and responsibility for chores and cooking here at home. So I remove myself from the situation, but remain close enough to monitor (listen) and wait and wait for the task to be accomplished. I thought it would be a very long week of patience and inactivity. It's such a toss up with older kids, work with them and then get frustrated the job isn't getting done in a more (experienced) timely manner or let them learn and be patient. If I'm not in the thick of their task then I don't get as frustrated, hence a more positive experience for them. I hope.
I got some cute pictures while I waited.
Millie needed another trim according to her very conscientious hair designer Livy. So she has a big window of bangs. Thanks Liv. Mollies hair was almost all even with hair advancing over her ears. Thank goodness she is such a cutey.

 Reed is Loving his birthday gun. A real bb gun which his brothers provided a real bb for. Dad removed it after bed and will get that opportunity corrected. Fake guns break almost instantaneously especially in a  houseful of brothers. A real bb gun is just a bit more in price and should hold up longer. Reed is in heaven.
Snuggling with my Livy under the quilt I made for a Laurel project back in my Young Women days.

Reed's birthday. He requested a marshmallow cake. We were delighted to indulge in another angel food cake.

My budding photographer loves to document her hand in picture taking at our house, and to spend some time amusing herself.

Probably Afton's number one fan. Harold has really loved playing with her and carrying her this way. She of course obliges happily to go for a ride. He is also sharing his beloved teddy bear from his baby-hood. She will go to bed pretty peacefully with bear by her side. I love watching these sweet sibling relationships develop as different personalities and maturities happen.

And happy to report that the sitting was quickly replaced by much action and labor. We got the crew mostly mobilized. I found I can keep about 7 kids going at a time the other 3 are good at being MIA. But that's over half active so we call it a success. More about that tomorrow.

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