Saturday, March 26, 2016

3.26.16 animal harvest

A rare learning opportunity came this week. We got to watch the harvest of an animal here at the farm. As the kids are getting more involved in the care and keeping of the animals and are older and more educationally wise I thought this would be a good opportunity to learn. The older kids were there feeding when the company arrived so they got the nitty-gritty bullet scene. The rest of the crew arrived after the dramatic end of the steers life. In time to watch it be removed from its pen. Is that more happy to live and die in the same few acres you spent your whole life? I know holistic practitioners are big into content animals- this one was very loved and will be very delicious!!
The kids climbed up for a better view of the show. 

After the cow was removed from its pen it was skinned and prepared to depart. I think the removal of organs is so interesting. I love to see how they are all connected together. Forgive the sun glare- it was a beautiful day. It is a very physically demanding job to harvest animals, these guys are tough.

The kids exclaiming over how gross or cool it was to watch the process. Surprisingly Mark was the most grossed out. He mourns the loss of any animal, of which he considers all to be pets. We again had to reassure him that all animals are made for the use of man and this is the reason they feed them - so the animals can feed us. He was much better after the steer was skinned.

My brave and curious John asked to touch before the carcass left. Reed was getting up his nerve too.

Yep that's the steer ready to go. They pronounced the fat to be sticky. The steer will provide many good meals in the months to come. We are thankful for the bounty that is ours and the skills and opportunity to live so well on the farm.

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