Tuesday, March 22, 2016

3.22.16 chicks

Mark's birthday wish was to get a baby animal. We decided chicks were the least cost for the potential investment - baby animals are notorious for dying. These little babies were so cute listen to as we drove home. It was fun to hear them quiet when we played classical music and how they resumed when we switched to the regular station.

Hurrying to get the chicken house cleaned and sanitized.

The babies all situated. New chicks must be watered first. They have 24 hours from hatching till they die if they don't get water. So the first order of business is dipping each beak into water. After the first or second forced dip the chicks are self-sustaining. They then proceed to peck at the feed and huddle under the heat lamp.

The boys and girls spent many hours checking on, holding, and feeding the chicks. It has been an educational project for all involved. So far we have lost only 3 which considering all the novice care and extra love they receive we feel very fortunate.

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