Wednesday, March 9, 2016

3.9.16 party!!

Monday after school the kids excitedly showed me an all kid invitation to a birthday party. The kids were super excited. The request was no present just bring a snack to share. We quickly decided based on our butter shortage, to make popcorn balls. And the busy week began. When I RSVP'd the mom hosting okay-ed all the kids coming. My little ones were over the moon with the thought of a party!
Well this party was one for the books. The mom invited the whole school because she has a child in each grade (like me). She ordered two bounce houses a climbing wall and the cherry on top self serve snow cones!!!! Awesome! Addie and Aliza helped crush and serve ice for the treats. Our popcorn balls were devoured and the kids had a great time!

John of course was in love with and spent the entire 2 hours climbing up and rappelling down this wall. They had a hydraulic boullet system so rappelling was a fun end to a challenging or athletic climb.

The other kids rotated between bouncing and swinging and eating! These bounce houses were pretty fun.

Now I can't repeat this because is would be old but what a great idea just stay after school parents come watch and visit, kids play and family birthday party is done! This was a memorable night and one will be pondering on what other activities could be similarly fun. Best to you today.

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