Thursday, March 24, 2016

3.24.16 Anna-erella

This winter my kids have really taken off in the talent development category. I was surprised when Anna announced she was trying out for the singing lead in the mini-play at her school. She beat three other girls for the honor and her quarter was spend learning her lines and the song for a Korean version of Cinderella. The above picture is her with her father.

Anna with the magic bull in place of the fairy godmother.

The prince searching for her holding her shoe. Talking to her wicked step mother in the blue and stepsister in hot pink.
Anna did really good singing her song in front of the entire middle school a capella. I was impressed. She had all her lines for the 15 minute play memorized and her voice projection was strong. She has really come into her own this year. I love watching them become. It is always good to go my children's school to observe the atmosphere, student body, and
 teacher administrator student interactions. And it's important to be a face that is seen at events. We love our kids and we love watching them stretch.

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