Tuesday, March 29, 2016

3.29.16 trees

Our yard has overgrown in the past years. It has great potential though and as the kids get more competent it is time to try to reclaim the land and vegetation.  Our trees are becoming an obstruction and a major water drain. So with Harold home for a week we proceeded to thin our forest. We used a chain and our excursion and got to work.

We also worked on our apple TREEs. These trees have great potential and bear lots of fruit each year-which we feed the animals because it is wormy. Unfortunately, we are very ignorant as to how to care for them. So we took the mighty sawsall and our master gardener book and youtube and hacked those trees down to size. It took many battery recharges and lots of time and hopefully they will be productive this year too. We learned  a new organic way to control bugs and are excited to try again.

The kids had a good time loading and driving the 4wheeler and trailer back and forth to the burn pile. It was a busy week and hopefully our work will bring the desired fruit.

I didn't end up sitting in my chair all week long. I ended up very tired, scratched and happy that we conquered another big project with my crew of helpers. I love working with my kids. I love seeing them develop skills and muscles. I sincerely hope we did not kill our trees. And now with the kids back in school  and my little ones cranky and cross I really miss the entertainment and help they provide. It hits me more and more often how good it is to be a family. We have arrived.

When we had just two or three kids it didn't feel like we were a family, but now as we have grown in maturity, size, ability, and number our space feels like family. Hopefully, we are giving them a foundation that will allow them to build the lives they desire for themselves someday. Hopefully, the skills I lack and areas I am weak in will not hinder their development too much. And hopefully, we can accomplish the pile of homework that is shortly coming because we didn't complete it over spring break choosing rather to enjoy the outdoors and move in the sunshine, and play a bit too. Ah the up and down of life. Best to you today.   

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