Tuesday, March 29, 2016

3.29.16 trees

Our yard has overgrown in the past years. It has great potential though and as the kids get more competent it is time to try to reclaim the land and vegetation.  Our trees are becoming an obstruction and a major water drain. So with Harold home for a week we proceeded to thin our forest. We used a chain and our excursion and got to work.

We also worked on our apple TREEs. These trees have great potential and bear lots of fruit each year-which we feed the animals because it is wormy. Unfortunately, we are very ignorant as to how to care for them. So we took the mighty sawsall and our master gardener book and youtube and hacked those trees down to size. It took many battery recharges and lots of time and hopefully they will be productive this year too. We learned  a new organic way to control bugs and are excited to try again.

The kids had a good time loading and driving the 4wheeler and trailer back and forth to the burn pile. It was a busy week and hopefully our work will bring the desired fruit.

I didn't end up sitting in my chair all week long. I ended up very tired, scratched and happy that we conquered another big project with my crew of helpers. I love working with my kids. I love seeing them develop skills and muscles. I sincerely hope we did not kill our trees. And now with the kids back in school  and my little ones cranky and cross I really miss the entertainment and help they provide. It hits me more and more often how good it is to be a family. We have arrived.

When we had just two or three kids it didn't feel like we were a family, but now as we have grown in maturity, size, ability, and number our space feels like family. Hopefully, we are giving them a foundation that will allow them to build the lives they desire for themselves someday. Hopefully, the skills I lack and areas I am weak in will not hinder their development too much. And hopefully, we can accomplish the pile of homework that is shortly coming because we didn't complete it over spring break choosing rather to enjoy the outdoors and move in the sunshine, and play a bit too. Ah the up and down of life. Best to you today.   

Monday, March 28, 2016

3.25.16- Some more spring break

I began spring break thinking I was going to be sitting for a week. I'm trying to teach and allow my older children independence and responsibility for chores and cooking here at home. So I remove myself from the situation, but remain close enough to monitor (listen) and wait and wait for the task to be accomplished. I thought it would be a very long week of patience and inactivity. It's such a toss up with older kids, work with them and then get frustrated the job isn't getting done in a more (experienced) timely manner or let them learn and be patient. If I'm not in the thick of their task then I don't get as frustrated, hence a more positive experience for them. I hope.
I got some cute pictures while I waited.
Millie needed another trim according to her very conscientious hair designer Livy. So she has a big window of bangs. Thanks Liv. Mollies hair was almost all even with hair advancing over her ears. Thank goodness she is such a cutey.

 Reed is Loving his birthday gun. A real bb gun which his brothers provided a real bb for. Dad removed it after bed and will get that opportunity corrected. Fake guns break almost instantaneously especially in a  houseful of brothers. A real bb gun is just a bit more in price and should hold up longer. Reed is in heaven.
Snuggling with my Livy under the quilt I made for a Laurel project back in my Young Women days.

Reed's birthday. He requested a marshmallow cake. We were delighted to indulge in another angel food cake.

My budding photographer loves to document her hand in picture taking at our house, and to spend some time amusing herself.

Probably Afton's number one fan. Harold has really loved playing with her and carrying her this way. She of course obliges happily to go for a ride. He is also sharing his beloved teddy bear from his baby-hood. She will go to bed pretty peacefully with bear by her side. I love watching these sweet sibling relationships develop as different personalities and maturities happen.

And happy to report that the sitting was quickly replaced by much action and labor. We got the crew mostly mobilized. I found I can keep about 7 kids going at a time the other 3 are good at being MIA. But that's over half active so we call it a success. More about that tomorrow.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

3.26.16 animal harvest

A rare learning opportunity came this week. We got to watch the harvest of an animal here at the farm. As the kids are getting more involved in the care and keeping of the animals and are older and more educationally wise I thought this would be a good opportunity to learn. The older kids were there feeding when the company arrived so they got the nitty-gritty bullet scene. The rest of the crew arrived after the dramatic end of the steers life. In time to watch it be removed from its pen. Is that more happy to live and die in the same few acres you spent your whole life? I know holistic practitioners are big into content animals- this one was very loved and will be very delicious!!
The kids climbed up for a better view of the show. 

After the cow was removed from its pen it was skinned and prepared to depart. I think the removal of organs is so interesting. I love to see how they are all connected together. Forgive the sun glare- it was a beautiful day. It is a very physically demanding job to harvest animals, these guys are tough.

The kids exclaiming over how gross or cool it was to watch the process. Surprisingly Mark was the most grossed out. He mourns the loss of any animal, of which he considers all to be pets. We again had to reassure him that all animals are made for the use of man and this is the reason they feed them - so the animals can feed us. He was much better after the steer was skinned.

My brave and curious John asked to touch before the carcass left. Reed was getting up his nerve too.

Yep that's the steer ready to go. They pronounced the fat to be sticky. The steer will provide many good meals in the months to come. We are thankful for the bounty that is ours and the skills and opportunity to live so well on the farm.

Friday, March 25, 2016

3.25.16 pulling a pin

 Our baby is quite the clever one. I had found a pin on the floor and hooked it onto my shirt to return to the sewing supplies.  she of course discovered the new adornment and pulled it off my shirt and poked me. I proceeded to push the pin deep into a chair thinking it wouldn't hurt anyone and I could take it with me when I left.

 She slipped off my lap and tried to pinch the pin out. Finding this unsuccessful she proceeded to pull with her teeth.

 See the wet spot she showed me her skill several times. She of course succeeded.

 My great grandmother would often comment "I was getting too big for my britches." This little lady is in that category right now! After the pin pulling she finished her bed time snack only by feeding herself via spoon or fingers but absolutely no interference from mom!!

The happy camper finally ready for bed.

A quick end note. These stories are mostly for the benefit of my children. Our children have come very quickly to our home and I fear to admit but I remember few details of the older kids antics. I'm sure they had similar cuteness and stubbornness. Of course the anecdotes would be different as supplies and opportunities were different but the idea is the same nonetheless. As we get nearer the end (surely over half-way) I want to remember these times and need to remind myself these kiddos are amazing and quickly and slowly advancing into their individual self's. Afton is changing so quickly and is such a ham thanks to the adoring fan club that constantly attends her. We are thankful for each time we get to go through the stages with each child in our home. They are all unique but funny and quite accomplished. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

3.24.16 Anna-erella

This winter my kids have really taken off in the talent development category. I was surprised when Anna announced she was trying out for the singing lead in the mini-play at her school. She beat three other girls for the honor and her quarter was spend learning her lines and the song for a Korean version of Cinderella. The above picture is her with her father.

Anna with the magic bull in place of the fairy godmother.

The prince searching for her holding her shoe. Talking to her wicked step mother in the blue and stepsister in hot pink.
Anna did really good singing her song in front of the entire middle school a capella. I was impressed. She had all her lines for the 15 minute play memorized and her voice projection was strong. She has really come into her own this year. I love watching them become. It is always good to go my children's school to observe the atmosphere, student body, and
 teacher administrator student interactions. And it's important to be a face that is seen at events. We love our kids and we love watching them stretch.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

3.23.16 service project

Harold was asked in young men's to come help clean up the local church camp. All the other young men were busy so we decided to go with Harold to help. When we arrived on time there was the high counselor, and Harold's young men leader. We were instructed to rake the leaves from the big lawn. This was looking like a big project, and we were so relieved to see other vans and pickups slowly roll in.

Addie taking pictures.

Greg of course doesn't quit. He is always on the move at service projects. He carried many cans of leaves. The boys were also on carrying duty. Anna, Aliza, Addie, and I raked.

Half of the yard that was cleared.

After Anna worked pretty hard for an hour and half her hands were pretty blistered so she took Afton duty. Afton loves to be with everyone. It was a pleasant day when the wind wasn't blowing and we enjoyed the time outdoors. The best reward was the picnic after. I grew up going to the Owyhees for family picnics. We rarely take the time these days to go recreate so this work project gave us a reason to be in the area, and being that it was lunch time and it happened to also be Reed's birthday which was a double bonus. The kids had a great time with their cousins playing in the Owyhee river. We roasted hot dogs, fried bacon, and inhaled s'mores. It was a beautiful day mostly because we were all together. 

The proud 6 year old showing off his coordination skills. My boys love to do headstands on the couches. This guy is funny and helpful. Don't know what I will do when he leaves home for school in the fall. I love how reliable 5 year olds become and 6 year olds are just more. We sure love our Reed.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

3.22.16 chicks

Mark's birthday wish was to get a baby animal. We decided chicks were the least cost for the potential investment - baby animals are notorious for dying. These little babies were so cute listen to as we drove home. It was fun to hear them quiet when we played classical music and how they resumed when we switched to the regular station.

Hurrying to get the chicken house cleaned and sanitized.

The babies all situated. New chicks must be watered first. They have 24 hours from hatching till they die if they don't get water. So the first order of business is dipping each beak into water. After the first or second forced dip the chicks are self-sustaining. They then proceed to peck at the feed and huddle under the heat lamp.

The boys and girls spent many hours checking on, holding, and feeding the chicks. It has been an educational project for all involved. So far we have lost only 3 which considering all the novice care and extra love they receive we feel very fortunate.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

3.10.16 Can I pray with you?

A friend shared her expereince with a pastor praying with and for her while she was in the hospital for an extended stay. I too remember people offering to pray for me when I was in the hospital. These actions made me stop an ponder my own faith and love for others. Why don't I do that? I've gotten better at offering to pray for someone but wouldn't it help them to hear my love and insure I remembered to rpay fro them if I did it right then?After pondering and having increasingly difficult situations that I was a part of- part of my job in the church right now I realized God is the only person who can realyl do anything for these hurting people and I needed to stop being so stingy and pray with them.

Well I'm writing to report that the experience of praying for someone with them is amazing! The spirit is so strong and the witness of their worth and God's love for them is truly humbling and touching. God knows each of us and truly seeks to comfort, help, and sustain us in our trials. He is the only one who can do this and we need to rely on Him more often.

How grateful I am for these experiences and for the opportunity to share my faith with others. God is real He is alive and He does care about all of us people on earth no matter how messy our situation may be. This is the true message and awesomeness of the Easter season. The recognition of the all powerful Savior of the World and the acceptance of his sacrifice that we might be with Him in His loving presence again and forever. Best to you today.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

3.9.16 party!!

Monday after school the kids excitedly showed me an all kid invitation to a birthday party. The kids were super excited. The request was no present just bring a snack to share. We quickly decided based on our butter shortage, to make popcorn balls. And the busy week began. When I RSVP'd the mom hosting okay-ed all the kids coming. My little ones were over the moon with the thought of a party!
Well this party was one for the books. The mom invited the whole school because she has a child in each grade (like me). She ordered two bounce houses a climbing wall and the cherry on top self serve snow cones!!!! Awesome! Addie and Aliza helped crush and serve ice for the treats. Our popcorn balls were devoured and the kids had a great time!

John of course was in love with and spent the entire 2 hours climbing up and rappelling down this wall. They had a hydraulic boullet system so rappelling was a fun end to a challenging or athletic climb.

The other kids rotated between bouncing and swinging and eating! These bounce houses were pretty fun.

Now I can't repeat this because is would be old but what a great idea just stay after school parents come watch and visit, kids play and family birthday party is done! This was a memorable night and one will be pondering on what other activities could be similarly fun. Best to you today.