Wednesday, February 1, 2017

2.1.17 Whoa

I feel like this picture depicts. A little person in a big ocean. Trying to get so much growing done. I could go into the symbolism of the red turmoil and struggles of life, the calming brown of faith and friends, the strong bold blue of good moments but that would be too much.

 Sometimes life is more like this hat. Too big until you realize how to make adjustments.

We rolled the edge and voila it fit perfectly!

Sometimes life is just hard but you have to do things to get stronger and to progress. Bruce does not love alone tummy time. However, he is getting really strong and can work his way around in a circle. There is no rolling but moving himself nonetheless.

There are some fun surprises like a bag full of donuts on sticks left over from a party dad attended!

And sometimes there are rewards and sometimes there are not. Can I say I really hate the perfect attendance award.

Life is way too busy right now and although we got permission to pass on things like the pinewood derby we did not. The kids are growing in ways that aren't measurable at this moment. Yet it tugs on my competitive heart strings for the kids who aren't pictured with awards. Some of mine who really need some encouragement for their talents that may not be strong in the main academic area but really need a boost before they sink into total educational apathy.

I'm fighting with some health concerns. Thankfully I have been very healthy my whole life. It is bothersome to have to wade through the swamp of doctor phone tag and waiting and waiting for appointments then results then more appointments more results throwing money to and fro. While I acknowledge the skill of those same doctors surely this system could be more efficient. We would never only fix one side of your car and not the other and tell you to come back and we will charge you again to do that same thing.

Life gets pretty overwhelming when living fast. I'm trying to find a way and time to say WHOA!

Whoa, whoa. let's just chill. lets take a nap, let's breathe and read, and not go anywhere!!! This snow has robbed me of the time off from work. Time we usually are bored with. Instead we do school, homework, shovel and work to hurry through a very late dinner after 9pm rush to do our night routine and drop into bed only to rise early to catch the busses and hit another day.

AND THEN someone shows up at your door with pizza and apples because they are concerned. A friend texts that she is praying for you and another just checks to see how you are. Another friend listens and expresses their friendship. Life is fast, but the small moments filled with BIG people and the strength from their love, faith, and concern is the WHOA and the fuel to keep going.Thank you all for your love and thoughtfulness.

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