Tuesday, February 28, 2017

2.28.17 green update

Well just to be honest and "real" I have an update on our green improvements. I listened to the 3 hour seminar and learned little- it was the longest infomercial of my life! And when the price tag popped up I was not a buyer. However, I am still on a quest to increase our greenage. Last night I was on a roll, dinner was packed with veggies courtesy of ideas from the diabetic recipe website. The soup was done just waiting for kids to come eat. I left the stove to go work with another child. Harold came in later and went foraging in the kitchen, he announced Afton had poured drained fat in to the soup. After calling for reinforcements we found she had more seriously poured in at least 1/2 a cup of sugar and cinnamon mix...we use it on toast. We did ate the soup for dinner but omitted the jam from our biscuits as we had enough in the soup. 

So life at our house follows my mother's often said quip- "You can eat any healthy food if you add enough sugar..."Gag! We eat veg soup just fine without added sugar.  

This little lady is my big helper. She is sporting burns on her hands from reaching up to iron when I left it while working on a sewing project. A burn by her eye from being too close while frying donuts and a burst ear drum as of later last night. She's a go getter not to be deterred by pain or scolding. Her favorite place to be!

And my healthy helpers. Eating grapes and oranges while bouncing. The verdict of this mornign was smoothies definitely require bananas to be yummy and no Kale in the cookies. Didn't try it just an order from the eating crew.

Monday, February 27, 2017

2.27.17 Going Green

From Elder Uctdorf April 2010 "Continue in Patience"

   Brigham Young taught that when something came up which he could not comprehend fully, he would pray to the Lord, “Give me patience to wait until I can understand it for myself.”5 And then Brigham would continue to pray until he could comprehend it.
We must learn that in the Lord’s plan, our understanding comes “line upon line, precept upon precept.”6 In short, knowledge and understanding come at the price of patience.
Often the deep valleys of our present will be understood only by looking back on them from the mountains of our future experience. Often we can’t see the Lord’s hand in our lives until long after trials have passed. Often the most difficult times of our lives are essential building blocks that form the foundation of our character and pave the way to future opportunity, understanding, and happiness.
I've been concerned about the general health of my family for a while. My health, their health, our appetites, or lack thereof, and the rapidity in which we plow through those 25 lb bags of sugar. Oh and the escalating cost of taking these wonderful rotten teeth kiddos of mine to the dentist. In conversation with a dear sister I realized the problem was mine. I was too lax in my nutritional offerings and I needed to return to my roots so to speak. 

I grew up in a home that was almost sugarless and definitely processed food obsolete. Toast was a back up option but there were no granola bars or oreo packages lurking somewhere to be found. The closest we came to sweet was homemade maple syrup heavy on the water light on the sugar comparatively speaking.  That same evening I watched 4 of my children literally attack the left over veggie tray from mutual. They were the kids who wouldn't stop dipping till the roughage was gone. Lightbulb moment! They need more veggies. So I texted my mom and we got food service size bags- yes bags- of spinach, kale, and frozen veggies.!

Note the carrot cake also waiting to be consumed. It was heavy on veggies too and protein in the frosting and whole wheat so it was uber healthy!

I discovered they really liked green smoothies. 
The Kale was good and tasteless in the chicken noodle soup. Or so I thought....

Some disagreed and tossed it on the ground. The biggest dissent came when Greg opened his home packed lunch to find his normal green peas replaced with Kale ready to steam. I had added butter! I was thinking of his tender bland palate.... He may have tossed his green stuff too. No word or report on that.
We are striving for 5 servings of vegetables a day. Using the definition of vegetable as anything you could eat raw and needs to be refrigerated or frozen to keep. Add in the 2-4 servings of fruits and  I think we will see a difference or feel a difference. Already the placebo effect is in place. I like thinking of ways I can cram more veggies into unsuspecting dishes. 

After a battle of wills and persuasively feeding the younger set I realize I was way too comfortable in my cooking as  it's been years since I have fed any children over 2....Yes too much just get along and not enough teaching and stretching. I think I'm going to need more naps and walks to deal with all the stubborn mules here but I know in the long run it's the best for all of us. And when asked if they would like to return to the wheat grass shots of 6 years ago they all yelled no! So I guess it's Kale, spinach, broccoli, onions, peppers, lettuce etc etc...Not taking away from them just adding more for them. If they eat their vegs then they get the treats.
Oh and just a real moment. So they hauled in the 10+ pounds of leafy greens and then because we had to clean out the freezer to fit the vegetables in, they ate 3 cartons of ice cream -half full or less- to make room. So much for big health steps. Oh well we are trying! Again and again and again.
It's so hard to be Green!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

2.23.17 SS

This week is spirit week at school. One day was superhero day. We aren't big Marvel comic fans. However, when Harold was little I made him a SuperSaunders Cape to compensate for all the play clothes the girls had. That idea morphed into this. 

These are the SuperSaunders powered by Reading! So on the back of their custom made shirts are their labels

The Reed'er,  Stealth Mode,  Power Reader,  Super Reader,  and the BookMarker

I wanted to be a clothes designer as a kid. I loved doing puff painting and tie dye when I was a young teen. Who knew I would use it as a mom? But making these shirts last night was super fun. I love creating with my kiddos. I love making them smile. I accidentally got the youth size t-shirts instead of adult for the older 3 all but but Mark were ok with that.
A while ago my mother in-law pointed out that it would probably be the little things that meant the most to my super hard working always helping me manage girls shown here. So I've tried to pay attention to the little requests they make. Can we be picked up. Could we make a shirt? Not big or even expensive request but it means a lot to them. So thankful for all the helpful comments I get to make my parenting better.
It's good to be a SuperSaunders! Best to you today.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

2.22.17 Driving!

Another new chapter! Anna is driving. I'm pretty sure I'm not as excited as she is. It's a whole different world sitting in the passenger seat. However after a failed first test attempt we were happy when she passed the test. When we called to tell Greg he wanted to know why she wasn't driving away from the DMV. Are you kidding? This kid doesn't know how to drive especially not on a road with other cars and people in the car!!! But alas after the more skilled town driving errands I let her drive home on the highway with 4 lanes and semi-trucks.
Not sure if that was safer or not but it;s what we did.
Between telling her to go forward and keep her foot on the gas and telling her to look around and pay attention it's very enjoyable to talk with her.
From the back- all securely buckled!! The advice comes thick from a surprising source.

Livy is not usually very talkative but she was sure in charge of the backseat driving position yesterday telling Anna what to do and see. She was having a good time coaching from the rear. We made it back to school in one piece.

Anna also drove us this morning again in one piece. The only scary time was when we were rounding a blind corner into the rising sun and I commanded her to stop to lower her visor and she proceeded to pull over almost off the side of a hill! After catching my breath we proceeded on. Harold in the back was also commenting how he could do better, I told him my worst realization was I was not going to be driving for the next 10 years or so. Not sure my heart can handle all thees up and coming drivers!! After all the times of telling her to grow up now that we are here there's a part of me that wishes she was still in the back seat. Yet the conversations and witnessing her good choices and her what paths she will follow is humbling and strengthening as well. She's a good kid. And will become a good driver. Yet again making me wonder what is my job as a mom now that she can do that? Ever changing roles are the surprise of teen parenting. Oh well thankful we are faced with these options instead of some of the scary ones we talked about her peers choosing while we drove.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

2.21.17 Love Day

Valentine's Day. The Day to show love?! 
My wonderful memory making tradition keeping dad brought chocolate hearts for all 13 of us! A kind widow lady customer also brought chocolates. We took dinner to the the local florist who was a hero that day. We took simple carnations to some single lady friends who we just wanted remembered. The kids ate candy from noon till night attempting to finish off their hoard before another sibling raided the treasure chest!!  I actually had locked these valentines up to be enjoyed another day when they would be appreciated. After a long day of cleaning and sorting and dejunking these were the perfect pick me up. 

I'm sure they were more impressed with the candles than the food selection. My husband was MIA as it was a week day another day of working. And we all went on to our separate necessary duties.  

So we loved and we lived and we moved on. Or we lived, we fought, we forgive and we keep running the race.  Life and love right now are best summed up with the constant need to say I'm sorry and to keep trying to find desire to act better. Busyness is not the best way, but I'm not finding how it can be avoided. The kids really enjoy the tradition. I will try to savor the reality that it happened, instead of fuming that it was less than ideal. 
Here's hoping for a chance to try again. And the gentleness that all's' not lost because we are on a new day and have repented of that one and the most recent one and are working towards positive changes for this week. Oh the growth that comes from mistakes. Oh the difference of my life and the sappy advertisements and projected sentiments of media. But I really do love my family and husband and I most appreciate that he is long suffering and kind and willing to keep forgiving me as  I forgive his long established habits and character traits. 
Love is loyalty and commitment not flowers and roses. Although they do brighten the way. And on that failed love day we did share in the box of chocolates after a re-warmed very late dinner and were able to speak civilly after some fireworks of frustration. Love and war are alive and well in our home yet I do know love is worth fighting for, now to work on less fighting with the love! 

Monday, February 20, 2017

2.17.17 a birthday to remember

Today I took homemade Brigham young donuts to Mark's classroom for his birthday. They were plainly frosted no nuts or coconut or sprinkles. After passing them around to his class mates Mark took the first bite. After a minute he started making a weird noise. His teacher told him to calm down and patted his back. He came back to me and I said he's choking! I tried the Heimlich 2 times and nothing came. Although he was gagging and acting like he might vomit. We headed to the garbage can and nothing came. His teacher who is his size wrapped her arms around him and gave him two good Heimlich like pulls. Nothing. 
He started weaving like he was going to pass out. We patted and slapped his back nothing. Again he acted like he was going to vomit nothing. Finally the calm mom in the room said it's stuck in his throat you have to get it out. Oh yes, sweep the mouth first. So I stuck my finger down his throat. I felt the wet glob.  I reached a little deeper a second time and got under it and pulled it out. He was immediately fine. All his classmates were quiet. And finished their donut. He ate three after...
I'm thankful that mom was there and she was not new to medical emergencies. 

After the incident he gathered his birthday present from his amazing scout leader, another donut and headed out to play no worse for the wear.

Life for a mom is full of highs and lows from the excitement of pregnancy to the lows of morning sickness. The anticipation of birth to the reality of the work of delivery. The beauty of a new babe and the depression of the destruction of necessary habits like uninterrupted sleep, wholesome meals, and personal hygiene. However with all the turns and twists and knots of motherhood there are the moments of remembrance. Mark's birthday was pocked with remembering and some too close for comfort feelings of how much I cherish each of these children in my care. That close call to death was a little too close. And while this strong willed very cranial child of mine drives me crazy and intrigues me I'm so thankful we still have him for years to come. It's just astounding how quickly life can change and what small harmless actions can become. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

2.15.17 My Guys

Not to be overly heavy on the girls, I found these pictures of my guys. My strong, active, very different sons. 

Harold is a great big bother, he is kind and does not terrorize the rest of his siblings with his superior strength. Rather he loves to throw, lift, and give rides to the younger kids. They love time with him. Because of his example the other boys are mostly kind and love to give piggy back rides, shoulder rides and play with the girls. I am so thankful for the mix of personalities and sexes that gives us a good mix of life perspectives and interests.

Bruce dressed up like a big guy in church clothes for the first time.

Bruce was done being patient and was ready for some food. Harold wanted one last picture. He loves to play with and snuggle our baby Bruce.

I learned this morning there is something the human spirit loves about being challenged and stretched that we strive to have that new energy of potential growth. I can honestly say this bunch challenges and stretches me in different ways than their sisters. I can empathize and understand girl stuff but boys have been a delightful and frustrating journey of discovery. They keep me on my toes and make me grateful for their simple needs for love and food. I am blessed to have so much raw power in my home. If only I can keep them from tearing down the walls before they leave!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

2.14.17 Daddy Daughter Dance

This past weekend was the annual Valentine dance for Dad's and daughters. Addie came home ecstatic that she had mastered a move called the candlestick. She is showing off the completion of this move here. Mark is working on another move with Alivia in the background. Reed and Bruce intently watching Addie's show. 

Same move with Millie.

Addie teaching Mark.

John and Livy getting the hand holds right.

Addie is always anxious to instruct. The little girls had also dressed up to go dancing. We turned on some classic country or country music from the 1990's and had a great time singing while the older girls were gone. I love Alabama and Alan Jackson. Such a fun evening.

All ready to go. The theme this year was 50's sock hop. So Aliza and I made circle skirts. It is always a challenge to find the sewing supplies and remember my sewing skills. However they looked lovely and had a great time dressing up. My husband is a blessed man to have so much energy, resourcefulness, and beauty in his home! We love these multi-talented ladies.

Monday, February 13, 2017

2.17 Live like you are dying

I mentioned I spent a lot of time listening to country music from the 90's. This song from Tim McGraw came on and I was awed at how true it was. But instead of thrill seeking and high adventure, during the weeks of waiting for test results and wondering what the future would hold. My house went to pot and I spent my meager amount of nervous energy snuggling my kids holding them longer and taking pictures. 

I wondered how I would manage this group being physically compromised? Going to the doctor required major juggling how could I do that indefinitely?  I wondered how they might survive without me? And how they would be for someone else. Could someone else handle the mass business that they are.

I savored moments that passed the time they had been mine, and wondered if they are also grateful and fulfilled being here? Or are they lacking what they need and wishing for more love and interest in their life? And I mistakenly bought re-lighting birthday candles. The hesitant Livy got lots of help trying to put them out. The more dominant Mark puffed enough to overwhelm the candles. I'm pretty sure we didn't have candle for Afton. Oh well next year.

 I searched for ways to be upbeat and positive. And I found new keys to help in that process. I don't want to come off as melodramatic. We prayed and found strength from prayers and fasting of family and friends. Yet we couldn't be too sure because we have many friends who have not got an all clear diagnosis. Instead they had to continue in the reality that their mortality was more finite than they desired. That regardless of the good intentions and actions they were going to have to face death either imminently or in the closer future than they had supposed.

However, from the beginning of the doctor journey I had a blessing from my sweetheart. Those pwoerful sweet sacred words calmed my heart and gave me strength. I am so thankful for direct communication with God. The God of all the heavens and earth. The God who cares so much about each of us. I am not more favored because I do not have to pass through the trial of cancer right now. I am not more faithful. I am not in need of that right now. I have other burdens to bear. and I will try to be meek in my celebration and humble in my blessings. So as you read this week. Know that these pictures were laced with great anxiety for my future and great pondering and holding to the promises from heaven.
In that experience I learned to lean more on my faith and to love much more the lives that are around me daily. And to order the part to fix my dryer (after only 6 weeks) and to then loose the vacuum but to fix the old one. Life continues to go on even if we are called to leave the mortal realm. Our large influences are felt for generations because of our testimonies and failings. I can directly see the choices and influence of my past effecting my future. It's pretty awesome. I love family history, and I'm glad to have more time to hopefully improve my own. So with that back story you see we danced, we left town, we drank milkshakes, and we loved. Best to you today.

2.13.17 Day Trip to Baker

After a gentle prodding by the kids at the breakfast table, dad conceded we could go on a day trip to Baker. I have loved the Baker City Museum since I was a little girl. Unfortunately the glowing rock room was closed for renovation, that is a highlight sad to be missed. However, the kids were able to see the rest of the impressive collection. 

This little lady was in heaven! She is so curious and thoughtful she loves to study and think. Her senses were rewarded at this place so much to see and do. From stuffed animals to pictures of ranch life. To life size plastic horse to horse drawn busses and rocks and old time clothes, and artifacts including chamber pots.  Her sisters had told her stories of the beautiful butterfly collection, she was impressed. The opportunity to move freely through the big space of the museum was an  added bonus to the learning we have been cooped up too long!

Afton got a ride with dad, Bruce got a ride with mom. We sure love our various size backpacks.

An old time kitchen. Amazing!

I had to take a picture of that large white bowl. That is a bread bowl!!! The wooden contraption is  butter churn. Harold and I agreed with that much bread you would need that much butter. Women worked hard and diets were much more simple.
Of course the crowning joy of going to baker is Burger bob's! Needless to say we don't eat out very often. Although after all the doctor visits of late it is cheaper to treat the family to burgers and fries and shakes than one doc visit.

The famous 1/2 gall milkshake with some eager participants! Being the frugal sort we didn't let them guzzle them individually. We got smaller cups and shared that goodness.

Trying hard to get as much as possible before sharing.

The burgers. Yum. A good old fashioned burger joint complete with fry sauce. The owner shares a special fondness for our family as his family was served by some distant cousins, Jani and Joy in the 50's. Amazing how long service can touch a life.

And the crew enjoying their shakes. I love day trips because they are manageable for our busy crew. Close enough to not need planning, far enough to be different. Funny moment when we got to BAker and parked at the museum the first thing we noticed was grass! It has been months since we have seen grass here in our town. Millie immediately exclaimed grass and took a few running laps around the grassy patch. Livy picked a handful to take home. Oh how country we are. Love my sweetie for sometimes surprising us with a delightful change of pace.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

2.9.17 All in a day's work

A day spans the same amount of time. 24 hours. To choose, ,   to live, to laugh and cry, to age and become. This day was a birthday! I decided the easiest happy making present was balloons. They were a smile maker. I got enough to share. 

This day was also the district contest. I was the only parent in attendance. I was surprised, in the old days parents came to support and cheer on their kids. Additionally I think parental involvement is important to see what the kids are doing, who they are and how they act or mis-act. Teacher struggles are more clearly defined watching the interactions, it is an important part of parenting to observe the situations. I'm thankful I can do that. The little girls went to grandmas and made birthday cake. I took the baby and went to the contest. Bruce was a real charmer. He loves interacting with people. BAbies are also a scare item these days I believe many of the kids at the contest had not been around a baby. His baby noises and antics were met with wide-eyed wonder, words that he brought comfort, and cheer.
I knew that she was not the winner after watching her whole group. But I was happy with what I saw and heard of her peers while watching.  was glad she could see what we had been trying to tell her to do. She learned a lot and is now motivated to make some changes and be more prepared next year.

This daughter asked for a ride home from school. The mutual activity was a fashion show at the nursing home. Dress-up fro big girls! I laughed and delighted in her sign she made for herself. 

"Vale Library! Welcome the new world and new adventure !! Head Librarian." 
Her dream job would be a librarian. I love that she is still able to be a dreamy kid! I love that her leaders gave the girls an opportunity to channel those dreams. I love having such a variety of personalities in my home- after wringing my hands over them of course!!

We had a birthday. The 5 year old spot is filled again here. I love 5 year olds. Their personalities come into focus, they are more content, they are more dependable.

And this happy lady got a new hand me down dress she loves wearing. She is all dressed up today with no where to go, much to her dismay. So she is trying to be content with her boring lot in life. I love kiddos. They keep life interesting!

Friday, February 3, 2017

2.3.17 Blue & Gold Days

The crisp new and old FFA jacket. A symbol of agriculture, and key into travel, scholarships, team experience, and a continuation of the past. There is a sense of pride from having enjoyed and endured the rigors of being an FFA member and an excitement to see what it's all about. Anna did well.

The nerve wracking waiting. She waited all day for the experience of speaking. She woke up early, 5 am, and couldn't go back to sleep. She was in tears before leaving I worried about it all day. I also reminisced about great people who really made an impact on my life. People I came to know through FFA. One in particular would come with banners and goodies to encourage us. He would inform us hew as praying for us and that we would do great! He was warm and kind and would shake our hands look us in the eye and tell us we are loved! Such a blessing to an unsure teenager. I want to be like that man.
So we channeled that energy and made muffins. My little assistants loved it. We made a big mess then left for a long afternoon evening. Starting with decorations for a funeral, picking up the kids, getting last minute graphite for the derby car dropping some kids off and getting to the FFA room. Phew we made it. To wait. and Wait and watch. I love being around my kids peers. I love seeing how they interact and what they talk about. I was able to speak to a girl Anna had identified for the parliamentary team. They need 6 kids only 4 had been showing up. Hopefully we got this girl convinced to try.
I swelled with pride and love for my daughter and for the FFA program. There is so much good to be had there. Finally after a chapter meeting and some good teen drama she was ushered out of the room and her competition came in.
This level of contest is about trying. It's about facing your fear and getting up in front of people. The first boy did well to conquer that. He missed at least a paragraph but gave a good answer to his question. She came in and was pretty close to word perfect probably 4-5 errors. She spoke fast and paced like a caged tiger!  Her question answer was solid, though.
The next speech was a advanced prepared. She had an interesting topic and did well with her gestures, movements, and impressed me with her command of the subject matter. After watching her Anna was last giving her prepared speech. She did much better talking slower and showing that she had about 40% memorized. She wasn't knowledgeable enough on her questions but she has confidence!
I'm proud that she tried! Now lots more practicing and reading. And on to district we go.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

2.1.17 Do you know the muffin man?

Today we are waiting for tonight. I have been waiting for tonight for weeks. Today is Anna's first FFA speaking contest it is also the night of the pinewood derby. knowing we won't be home I decided to channel some nervous energy making muffins. We tried a new yummy lemon poppyseed blackberry and standbys yummy muffin. Both turned out well. Bruce was excited seeing food in my hands and wiggled curiously. Millie suggested we share. I told her he could not have any yet. (He will be 5 months tomorrow). I found him crying face down on a muffin a while later.

Happy when I picked him up! Still muffin smeared.

A few minutes later he started his normal spitting this time though it was laced with poppy seeds and blackberries. He had his first taste of food and was not excited. I'm pretty sure force feeding ruins any tasting enjoyment! oh well he recovered quickly and will probably be no worse for the ware.

These little helpers are so eager to do big things. This day they were making ants on a log. Millie instructing Afton how to place the ants: "Find a space and put an ant on. Use lots!" And Millie walking around informing me how much she liked celery was pretty cute.

Life is good and fast. We continue to plod on. Here's praying and hoping for a good experience for Anna.