Friday, February 3, 2017

2.3.17 Blue & Gold Days

The crisp new and old FFA jacket. A symbol of agriculture, and key into travel, scholarships, team experience, and a continuation of the past. There is a sense of pride from having enjoyed and endured the rigors of being an FFA member and an excitement to see what it's all about. Anna did well.

The nerve wracking waiting. She waited all day for the experience of speaking. She woke up early, 5 am, and couldn't go back to sleep. She was in tears before leaving I worried about it all day. I also reminisced about great people who really made an impact on my life. People I came to know through FFA. One in particular would come with banners and goodies to encourage us. He would inform us hew as praying for us and that we would do great! He was warm and kind and would shake our hands look us in the eye and tell us we are loved! Such a blessing to an unsure teenager. I want to be like that man.
So we channeled that energy and made muffins. My little assistants loved it. We made a big mess then left for a long afternoon evening. Starting with decorations for a funeral, picking up the kids, getting last minute graphite for the derby car dropping some kids off and getting to the FFA room. Phew we made it. To wait. and Wait and watch. I love being around my kids peers. I love seeing how they interact and what they talk about. I was able to speak to a girl Anna had identified for the parliamentary team. They need 6 kids only 4 had been showing up. Hopefully we got this girl convinced to try.
I swelled with pride and love for my daughter and for the FFA program. There is so much good to be had there. Finally after a chapter meeting and some good teen drama she was ushered out of the room and her competition came in.
This level of contest is about trying. It's about facing your fear and getting up in front of people. The first boy did well to conquer that. He missed at least a paragraph but gave a good answer to his question. She came in and was pretty close to word perfect probably 4-5 errors. She spoke fast and paced like a caged tiger!  Her question answer was solid, though.
The next speech was a advanced prepared. She had an interesting topic and did well with her gestures, movements, and impressed me with her command of the subject matter. After watching her Anna was last giving her prepared speech. She did much better talking slower and showing that she had about 40% memorized. She wasn't knowledgeable enough on her questions but she has confidence!
I'm proud that she tried! Now lots more practicing and reading. And on to district we go.

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