Wednesday, February 15, 2017

2.15.17 My Guys

Not to be overly heavy on the girls, I found these pictures of my guys. My strong, active, very different sons. 

Harold is a great big bother, he is kind and does not terrorize the rest of his siblings with his superior strength. Rather he loves to throw, lift, and give rides to the younger kids. They love time with him. Because of his example the other boys are mostly kind and love to give piggy back rides, shoulder rides and play with the girls. I am so thankful for the mix of personalities and sexes that gives us a good mix of life perspectives and interests.

Bruce dressed up like a big guy in church clothes for the first time.

Bruce was done being patient and was ready for some food. Harold wanted one last picture. He loves to play with and snuggle our baby Bruce.

I learned this morning there is something the human spirit loves about being challenged and stretched that we strive to have that new energy of potential growth. I can honestly say this bunch challenges and stretches me in different ways than their sisters. I can empathize and understand girl stuff but boys have been a delightful and frustrating journey of discovery. They keep me on my toes and make me grateful for their simple needs for love and food. I am blessed to have so much raw power in my home. If only I can keep them from tearing down the walls before they leave!

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