Monday, February 13, 2017

2.13.17 Day Trip to Baker

After a gentle prodding by the kids at the breakfast table, dad conceded we could go on a day trip to Baker. I have loved the Baker City Museum since I was a little girl. Unfortunately the glowing rock room was closed for renovation, that is a highlight sad to be missed. However, the kids were able to see the rest of the impressive collection. 

This little lady was in heaven! She is so curious and thoughtful she loves to study and think. Her senses were rewarded at this place so much to see and do. From stuffed animals to pictures of ranch life. To life size plastic horse to horse drawn busses and rocks and old time clothes, and artifacts including chamber pots.  Her sisters had told her stories of the beautiful butterfly collection, she was impressed. The opportunity to move freely through the big space of the museum was an  added bonus to the learning we have been cooped up too long!

Afton got a ride with dad, Bruce got a ride with mom. We sure love our various size backpacks.

An old time kitchen. Amazing!

I had to take a picture of that large white bowl. That is a bread bowl!!! The wooden contraption is  butter churn. Harold and I agreed with that much bread you would need that much butter. Women worked hard and diets were much more simple.
Of course the crowning joy of going to baker is Burger bob's! Needless to say we don't eat out very often. Although after all the doctor visits of late it is cheaper to treat the family to burgers and fries and shakes than one doc visit.

The famous 1/2 gall milkshake with some eager participants! Being the frugal sort we didn't let them guzzle them individually. We got smaller cups and shared that goodness.

Trying hard to get as much as possible before sharing.

The burgers. Yum. A good old fashioned burger joint complete with fry sauce. The owner shares a special fondness for our family as his family was served by some distant cousins, Jani and Joy in the 50's. Amazing how long service can touch a life.

And the crew enjoying their shakes. I love day trips because they are manageable for our busy crew. Close enough to not need planning, far enough to be different. Funny moment when we got to BAker and parked at the museum the first thing we noticed was grass! It has been months since we have seen grass here in our town. Millie immediately exclaimed grass and took a few running laps around the grassy patch. Livy picked a handful to take home. Oh how country we are. Love my sweetie for sometimes surprising us with a delightful change of pace.

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