Thursday, February 9, 2017

2.9.17 All in a day's work

A day spans the same amount of time. 24 hours. To choose, ,   to live, to laugh and cry, to age and become. This day was a birthday! I decided the easiest happy making present was balloons. They were a smile maker. I got enough to share. 

This day was also the district contest. I was the only parent in attendance. I was surprised, in the old days parents came to support and cheer on their kids. Additionally I think parental involvement is important to see what the kids are doing, who they are and how they act or mis-act. Teacher struggles are more clearly defined watching the interactions, it is an important part of parenting to observe the situations. I'm thankful I can do that. The little girls went to grandmas and made birthday cake. I took the baby and went to the contest. Bruce was a real charmer. He loves interacting with people. BAbies are also a scare item these days I believe many of the kids at the contest had not been around a baby. His baby noises and antics were met with wide-eyed wonder, words that he brought comfort, and cheer.
I knew that she was not the winner after watching her whole group. But I was happy with what I saw and heard of her peers while watching.  was glad she could see what we had been trying to tell her to do. She learned a lot and is now motivated to make some changes and be more prepared next year.

This daughter asked for a ride home from school. The mutual activity was a fashion show at the nursing home. Dress-up fro big girls! I laughed and delighted in her sign she made for herself. 

"Vale Library! Welcome the new world and new adventure !! Head Librarian." 
Her dream job would be a librarian. I love that she is still able to be a dreamy kid! I love that her leaders gave the girls an opportunity to channel those dreams. I love having such a variety of personalities in my home- after wringing my hands over them of course!!

We had a birthday. The 5 year old spot is filled again here. I love 5 year olds. Their personalities come into focus, they are more content, they are more dependable.

And this happy lady got a new hand me down dress she loves wearing. She is all dressed up today with no where to go, much to her dismay. So she is trying to be content with her boring lot in life. I love kiddos. They keep life interesting!

1 comment:

  1. Anna looks so grown up in that picture. I am surprised you were the only parent there. Happy Birthday to Alivia!
