Tuesday, February 21, 2017

2.21.17 Love Day

Valentine's Day. The Day to show love?! 
My wonderful memory making tradition keeping dad brought chocolate hearts for all 13 of us! A kind widow lady customer also brought chocolates. We took dinner to the the local florist who was a hero that day. We took simple carnations to some single lady friends who we just wanted remembered. The kids ate candy from noon till night attempting to finish off their hoard before another sibling raided the treasure chest!!  I actually had locked these valentines up to be enjoyed another day when they would be appreciated. After a long day of cleaning and sorting and dejunking these were the perfect pick me up. 

I'm sure they were more impressed with the candles than the food selection. My husband was MIA as it was a week day another day of working. And we all went on to our separate necessary duties.  

So we loved and we lived and we moved on. Or we lived, we fought, we forgive and we keep running the race.  Life and love right now are best summed up with the constant need to say I'm sorry and to keep trying to find desire to act better. Busyness is not the best way, but I'm not finding how it can be avoided. The kids really enjoy the tradition. I will try to savor the reality that it happened, instead of fuming that it was less than ideal. 
Here's hoping for a chance to try again. And the gentleness that all's' not lost because we are on a new day and have repented of that one and the most recent one and are working towards positive changes for this week. Oh the growth that comes from mistakes. Oh the difference of my life and the sappy advertisements and projected sentiments of media. But I really do love my family and husband and I most appreciate that he is long suffering and kind and willing to keep forgiving me as  I forgive his long established habits and character traits. 
Love is loyalty and commitment not flowers and roses. Although they do brighten the way. And on that failed love day we did share in the box of chocolates after a re-warmed very late dinner and were able to speak civilly after some fireworks of frustration. Love and war are alive and well in our home yet I do know love is worth fighting for, now to work on less fighting with the love! 

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