Monday, February 20, 2017

2.17.17 a birthday to remember

Today I took homemade Brigham young donuts to Mark's classroom for his birthday. They were plainly frosted no nuts or coconut or sprinkles. After passing them around to his class mates Mark took the first bite. After a minute he started making a weird noise. His teacher told him to calm down and patted his back. He came back to me and I said he's choking! I tried the Heimlich 2 times and nothing came. Although he was gagging and acting like he might vomit. We headed to the garbage can and nothing came. His teacher who is his size wrapped her arms around him and gave him two good Heimlich like pulls. Nothing. 
He started weaving like he was going to pass out. We patted and slapped his back nothing. Again he acted like he was going to vomit nothing. Finally the calm mom in the room said it's stuck in his throat you have to get it out. Oh yes, sweep the mouth first. So I stuck my finger down his throat. I felt the wet glob.  I reached a little deeper a second time and got under it and pulled it out. He was immediately fine. All his classmates were quiet. And finished their donut. He ate three after...
I'm thankful that mom was there and she was not new to medical emergencies. 

After the incident he gathered his birthday present from his amazing scout leader, another donut and headed out to play no worse for the wear.

Life for a mom is full of highs and lows from the excitement of pregnancy to the lows of morning sickness. The anticipation of birth to the reality of the work of delivery. The beauty of a new babe and the depression of the destruction of necessary habits like uninterrupted sleep, wholesome meals, and personal hygiene. However with all the turns and twists and knots of motherhood there are the moments of remembrance. Mark's birthday was pocked with remembering and some too close for comfort feelings of how much I cherish each of these children in my care. That close call to death was a little too close. And while this strong willed very cranial child of mine drives me crazy and intrigues me I'm so thankful we still have him for years to come. It's just astounding how quickly life can change and what small harmless actions can become. 

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