Wednesday, February 22, 2017

2.22.17 Driving!

Another new chapter! Anna is driving. I'm pretty sure I'm not as excited as she is. It's a whole different world sitting in the passenger seat. However after a failed first test attempt we were happy when she passed the test. When we called to tell Greg he wanted to know why she wasn't driving away from the DMV. Are you kidding? This kid doesn't know how to drive especially not on a road with other cars and people in the car!!! But alas after the more skilled town driving errands I let her drive home on the highway with 4 lanes and semi-trucks.
Not sure if that was safer or not but it;s what we did.
Between telling her to go forward and keep her foot on the gas and telling her to look around and pay attention it's very enjoyable to talk with her.
From the back- all securely buckled!! The advice comes thick from a surprising source.

Livy is not usually very talkative but she was sure in charge of the backseat driving position yesterday telling Anna what to do and see. She was having a good time coaching from the rear. We made it back to school in one piece.

Anna also drove us this morning again in one piece. The only scary time was when we were rounding a blind corner into the rising sun and I commanded her to stop to lower her visor and she proceeded to pull over almost off the side of a hill! After catching my breath we proceeded on. Harold in the back was also commenting how he could do better, I told him my worst realization was I was not going to be driving for the next 10 years or so. Not sure my heart can handle all thees up and coming drivers!! After all the times of telling her to grow up now that we are here there's a part of me that wishes she was still in the back seat. Yet the conversations and witnessing her good choices and her what paths she will follow is humbling and strengthening as well. She's a good kid. And will become a good driver. Yet again making me wonder what is my job as a mom now that she can do that? Ever changing roles are the surprise of teen parenting. Oh well thankful we are faced with these options instead of some of the scary ones we talked about her peers choosing while we drove.

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