Wednesday, May 10, 2017

5.10.17 Play with them

** John did kill the badger! There has been no movement or change in the hole for 10 days! Wahoo another protective Male at my house!!

I grew up playing lots of softball and catch. However as a mom I have rarely allowed myself that time. Well last week somehow I had my ducks in a row and life rolling smooth enough that I was able to play softball with some of my kids for an hour or so. It was so rewarding to be with them to teach them and to watch and cheer for them. However as is usually the case we had a great diversity of attention.That's what the pictures show. 

Reed at bat, Mark catching, Mom pitching and the little girls watching from a laying down position. The ball miraculously never touched them, it would bounce very close to their spot but they were safe. It did make catching the ball hard as I had to maneuver not to squish them while fielding the wild throws...

We called it quits when it was too dark to see the ball. We came home to Afton cheering and some mess she had made, as she wasn't too keen on just watching others have fun. I usually have to stay in and watch, clean-up, or care for the littles. This night I went and had fun with the middles, it was more to my liking.

I was recently admonished, again, to play with my family. That is super hard with the landslide crush of responsibility and work that is always on our back. But for those minutes it was very fun to just be together learning and sharing. Those moments are too far between here. So I'm trying to adjust the all or nothing attitude and make it some, let's do!

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