Sunday, May 21, 2017

5.21.17 Touch the Temple

One of the prophets said if you let your children touch the temple it will touch them. I dearly love the temple. however I rarely take my children to the temple with me as children are not allowed inside. These past few weeks have been the open house of the Idaho Falls temple, I wanted so badly to take my children to see and feel the goodness and majesty of these holy buildings. Alas work and commitments won out, like always and we did not make it down. I realized after many a bummed night feeling so bad about not achieving what I hoped to that I could take these three very observative and very unscheduled little girls to see and touch the temple. So we went! (I didn't plan the graham crackers they were add on's but necessary to a happy experience). 

Smelling the flowers...

Prior to our temple visit we stopped at Uncle Don's and Aunt Shauna's. They are the best kid people. They specialize in fun and happiness. Bruce loves to swing, high or low fast or slow he loves it! Afton loves low and slow, Millie is always a higher faster and Livy loves to go high and glide at her pace. Thankfully there were 4 swings no competition some shade and some time to SWING!

We had a great day! It was so good to just go at little kid pace. I love summer with everyone home but trying to keep up and keep everyone moving is strenuous. I really enjoyed this day with my little people. I hope they remember the peace and beauty of the temple grounds and continue learnign to be ready to go inside someday.

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