Tuesday, May 2, 2017

5.2.17 The next round

We just keep starting back at the beginning of life. Because we have done this so many times we have worn out the first supplies and have had to reinvest in our new #1 or #11...From new onsies, to a new high chair Bruce has had a rare privilege, in a large family, of new stuff. 
It took a while to find the chair we wanted, or one that matched what we have used for the last 10-15 years. Thank goodness for Craigslist and grandma. Because some of the essential developmental skills take time that a high chair affords. 

Thus, Bruce is transitioning from helpless baby to toddler. He is doing well learning to feed himself. Even beginning to reject some foods that aren't his "favorite." High chairs are such important sanctuaries of self-reliance, contemplation, and as shown later adventure.

If you have willing assistants your high chair can travel anywhere! It is a great cart high enough to see out windows. Wheeee!

When he's on the ground sometimes he gets to be the horse...

Many hands make light work. Aliza decided during the snow days that she would make her own quilt to replace her worn out one. This has been a long project as she got involved in other projects, grandma was traveling, and life is just generally packed full. We finally got it on to tie a few weeks ago and she and grandma got another step finished. The kids are securing one side while they roll their completed work. Yes the background is a mess, oftentimes you just have to prioritize other projects over the never ending maintaining.

But I learned this Sunday success is not a perfect family rather success is measured as a family that doesn't quit! Harold B. Lee. Phew we aren't quitting and we have plenty of things to try again on.

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