Friday, May 12, 2017

5.12.17 At the Bandstand

Oh the memories of childhood. Yesterday was one that will last for quite a while. As I mentioned previously we spent a lot of time researching to create the correct look. Well we apparently weren't the only family online. The school was jettisoned back in time to the rockin' 50's. The kids embraced the time warp and had a great time jitterbugging to unfamiliar tunes and beats that shaped their grandparents formative years. 

I did not know the shape of the play. I thought Aliza was just a narrator of sorts. In fact it turned out she was the narrator but also a soloist and the "host" of the show. She did great. This part was perfect for her. She memorizes with ease and loves to direct the show and her fellow students. She enjoys singing and practices nightly singing her sisters to sleep. She was confident and calm in her element. 


These cute 1st and 2nd grade boys getting ready to rock the house with their performances. They are so innocent and thus charming!

Waiting for her song to begin and shot of the characters. This play fit this group so well. 

Splish Splash Takin' a Bath! Reed really got into the scrubbing! The dancers on stage were so energetic!! Many different groups didn't different dance numbers they all nailed them and really livened up the peppy show.

Don't Step on my Blue Suede Shoes. Addie's teacher got the cat-eye glasses for all the girls to wear. Fun!

The boys were the back-up band. Mark was so funny this is the only shot I have of him facing forward he is suddenly self conscious. You can spot John top row to the left of Mark's head. His group sang "Save the Last Dance for me..." A Slow croon style song. He was dying. If he could have fallen off the bleachers into a black hole he would have been happy. Ahh teenager hood is taking hold on his tender heart and young mind. 

Reed and partner all decked out for Shake Rattle n Roll. Loved it!! There was so much energy and smiles at this show. I  mean every show has been enjoyable but this one was really awesome!

Or maybe it's just freshest on the brain and thus I'm still smiling at the new talents and opportunities my kids have been given. I'm thankful for the many hours of sacrificed time the teachers give and for their stretching of talent and ability both personally and with these almost 90 kids. WOW! We are grateful for the many kinds of learning available at our small rural school Especially in the challenge of weeks of testing this was a serious party of relief and enthusiasm.

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