Monday, May 1, 2017

5.1.17 A journey of 4000 miles

On Friday I got a strange call from a distant cousin asking for lodging for a young man walking from Canada across America. I was surprised and stunned. I said no. After checking around I arranged for him to stay with some more free spirited friends. My curiosity got the better of me and on our way home from a quick trip to the temple we stopped to meet him.
Skyler Roberts is a young man who played video games with people around the globe. Mostly Americans. He kept telling them "Someday I'm going to come see you." Having no license he would have to walk. The idea kept coming up so he made plans and set out. From Toronto Canada into New York down to Florida across Louisiana into Texas and New Mexico. Up through Colorado, Utah and Idaho...into Oregon. Just a kid on an adventure. I was enthralled. Truly I feel like a hamster on a wheel. The Same things every day! To live with the freedom of just moving on was interesting. I worked for a while on Saturday morning to get him lodging in the next town 20-30 miles further on his quest to Seattle then finally into San Francisco.

I love challenges! I love people, mostly, and I love chances that break up the monotony of my life.
That Saturday was LONG. Back and forth load-unload-load kids mine and other's. I even tossed my own out literally at the train tracks because I was going to be too full to take the ones I'd promised rides to. Thanks to our nice, unlucky, neighbors to be coming home and willing to help at that moment. Bruce and Anna fared well in their hands.

Yet while my family isn't walking literally thousands of miles, days like Saturday are every bit as strenuous. I will make short note of a few other journeys that are part of our 4000 mile adventure.

1. This guy passed his state English TEST! That is huge considering where he was just 2 years ago. He was so happy, we were so happy, his teacher proclaimed an inability to sleep as she was so happy! It has taken A LOT of patience, "nagging", creativity, love, and endurance to get this far. From her, from him, from us... oh the struggle! But it paid off and he is good to go!

2. This guy. Marriage is such a journey of countless steps through a variety of terrains. The commitment to keep on keeping on is the best quality of my Husband. He forgives, he doesn't engage in fighting back to me, and he just keeps loving us all. Giving Bruce some stories, a first for them together.

3. And when I came home from said Crazy day I found this little girl. And while I wanted to title a post "how to spot a youngest in a large family....the ballooning underwear!" I was pretty sure that was inappropriate so I will bury it here late in a long post. She must have dressed herself after her bath. She got the job done... but lets just say she is 4 these were 12's. She was fine, the job was done, the bases covered so to speak. Oh how we just learn to roll and deal with it at our house. An older brother suffers?, lives with?, or thinks it's normal? to be breezy. Just glad she's in underwear and not diapers. A big milestone in the journey towards self-reliance and independence.

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