Tuesday, May 16, 2017

5.15.17 A Little Pampering

My sisters started a tradition a few years ago for mother's day, pedicures and lunch. We have been going for several years now and it is seriously a highlight of the year for me. We get together and have our feet rubbed and polished. A funny thing if you think about it in just words. My little girls were envisioning my sisters painting my toe nails and vice versa. I told them it wasn't quite like that. 

I can honestly say I don't love the massage part. I've had two in the lat 6 months and I'm too stressed to enjoy the kneading of my rock hard muscles. Not that I'm buff but rather I'm a mom and carry a lot of burden. But it was nice to visit, to be without kids and to ponder on being a sister/mother/daughter for a few moments while soaking my feet in warm bubbly water.

My sister Mary organizes this. She also provided the pictures courtesy of brand new selfi-stick. We are not a picture happy group and were complaining a bit to have to pause and smile. But as with all pictures I'm thankful we took the time to capture the rare experience of being together.
I can see why people always say we look alike. We don't, but we do. It's the same with our parenting, being wives, and raising families. We have similarities but mostly we are different. In so many good ways. I learn from these ladies and rely on their optimism, understanding, and experience with this earth existence we are all having right now. I'm thankful for their service, example,and friendship.

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