Thursday, May 18, 2017

5.18.17 Man Adventure

This past weekend was a large boy scout campout nearby. As Greg pondered the necessity of his presence he realized he could get there by four wheeler! A proud machine he bought years ago but has not had much time to really enjoy. This trip was a good time to get some personal hours of necessary recreation. That is genuine happiness on those faces. Flowers were for my birthday. 

The younger boys went in pickups with other leaders. I sent all their gear with a kind friend and thus Harold and Greg were "free" to trek as they would on the quad. I was apprehensive as they are not prone to adventure, let alone leaving the near proximity of home. Greg assured me people do this all the time...

He was so excited to go. he rarely does anything fun so this was a real treat for them. I was honestly happy to stay home in the warm comfortable house. The boys namely John had been packing for 2 weeks in preparation. Harold has more camping experience and thus was not as anxious, Mark got to go last minute and was equally thrilled to be part of the group.

The campout included cooking contest- no hot dogs or chili but rather, scones, pizza, chicken, pork ribs etc! Fishing and hiking. They were warned by a campfire story of Thumper and admonished to choose wisely now as their choices have long range effects on their future family, wife, and ultimately happiness. Harold caught a Salmon which he cleaned and brought home. They all stayed mostly warm and dry and had a great time sans-girls! And yes they were better equipped for the very rocky road conditions than the larger vehicles. Besides a numb thumb they were GREAT!

At home we celebrated Aliza's birthday with fettucine shrimp or chicken topped. We ate cheesecake and watched Sing. It was a peaceful low key night. Nice. Sometimes it's good to be apart to do what you want to do. We reunited as a family refreshed and ready fro the next project fence building and a lovely birthday dinner provided by my mom. It was a nice weekend made all the better because everyone got to do what they wanted.

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