Tuesday, May 9, 2017

5.9.17 the Little Brother

You know you are the little brother of lots of sisters when all your toys are dolls. His sisters make sure that he is cared for giving him not 1 but 2 dolls to play with complete with blankets to wrap them in. They are so good at sharing! 

Earlier in the day dad, Bruce and dolls. When our family pattern was girl boy the pictures of babies playing with toys mostly showed tractors as the object of entertainment. however after this last run of girls well we are doll-centric. Lucky Bruce. 

I was working on a project one evening and Bruce was crawling around fighting sleep. I found him a little later after finally succumbing to rest. Afton had made him comfortable. She tucked her comfort item, my silkie G's under his head, and then tucked and covered him in a blanket.

Bruce is well cared for and entertained by this energetic crew. They love and tease and wrestle him.

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