Thursday, May 11, 2017

5.11.17 the 50's

And lest we forget or you think I have lost my other older children. They are alive and well with many quirks and more difficult to fill needs than the littles. Case in point the up coming Mother's Tea with needed costumes. Now you know I dread and despise Halloween so why do we have so much time and dare I say fun put into these school adventures? Well for one I want them to feel confident and two I want them to stretch and be a little more than they were before the learning experience. So we have been googling and youtubing trying to figure out fashion we could recreate and what hairstyles looked like. Looking the part is a huge part of playing the part. Thank goodness the play coincides with the dance they had went to in February so part of the costume was already prepared. 

So after all the research we had to start trying out the "easy" methods we had watched.

Costume coming together. (Then I realized the other 4 needed costumes too. Oh boy!) 

Hair trials

She lots a lot of hair in December easily half of her hair broke off or fell out. It was scary. It also didn't just magically reappear. So we are working on making a nice do with little hair in some places. But oh it was pretty when it was semi-done. Now to re-create the look at school by the time the show starts. 

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