Thursday, May 11, 2017

5.12.17 The days roll by

Our wonderful amazing, competent, and lovely Addie had a birthday. She spent the day helping and palling around with Grandma Saunders her kindred spirit. They made a cake and we enjoyed it late in the evening (Addie dressed up for the party!) Birthday celebrations are important to Addie she gives thoughtful gifts to all her siblings and often makes their cakes. It's hard to fulfill everyone's various love languages. I got her a present but couldn't find it for two days... but my parent brought her ice cream and she had an impromptu parts run the night before and enjoyed Wendy's with grandma Saunders so she wasn't totally bereft of acknowledgment and honor. 

I had my annual pedicure date with my sisters it was invigorating and relaxing to spend time with my family. We don't do that very often and it was nice to visit and unwind a bit. when I came home it made me so happy to just love on my kiddos who had been so good and who light up my life. Bruce trying out his new sun shade, It's a bit big but his fair skin will need all the coverage he can get so as not to be a cooked goose.

We are attempting a more bountiful harvest of tomatoes this year. Part of that project is getting the plants off the ground. We are thankful for a donation of buckets. Reed was posing to show how tall the original stack was.

And the kind big sister taking selfies with her adoring fan club. How they love and rely on Aliza for care, attention, and learning. She is gracious to willingly give all those to them.

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