Tuesday, May 29, 2018

5.29.18 Memorial Day

Memorial Day starts out bright and early loading in the car heading to my sisters. We eagerly start clipping flowers and greenery to make bouquets to decorate graves. My grandma had created a beautiful although labor intensive yard. The flowers are beautiful this time of year, and my sister and family have kept them so nicely! 
I have grown to really enjoy the creating process of the day. This year my wise sister and mom brought in some flowers from other growers or locations we had a plethora of beauty to work with. Flowers are such gorgeous pieces of this amazing earth. 
  The kids loved playing together. Bruce found a new experience being pulled in the trailer by Reed. Bruce loved to sit on this tractor which happened to be his Granpa Bruce's when he was a little boy. 

At the cemetery the kids had a good time and did very well transporting the bouquets to the various grave sites.

My nephew who passed last year had a unique and perfect grave marker!! The kids were impressed and very reverent at this first stop. They are still processing his death and have remarked how they wish they could be in heaven too, or why did David have to go? Why couldn't he breath or what happened. It's been very insightful to discuss this passing with them. It's rare- thank God- that children have a peer who dies. They seem to be handling it well though and take it as matter of fact. Love their sweet spirits and love for each other. It is a blessing to have cousin/friends to share the adventures and hardships of life with.

A sample of our flower offerings at a long passed relatives grave.

My cute sisters sporting sweet babies int he best baby carriers made the Lile baby pack! Works from newborn to big kid without killing mom's back and is super washable. Fell in love with this pack last time. I've used most of them the sling, the wrap, the inferior backpacks, frame packs. This was by far the easiest most baby soothing and mom friendly I have used. And I love that you can still do live while being close to your baby, which is what they want. Win-win!

We rounded out the day with the annual family picnic, hayride and new this year water activities. I have no pictures because I was 'in the moment' visiting with cousins and keeping a leery eye on children fully enjoying the first water activities of the year. It is a good day to reflect and build memories for the future. I love my family past and present for the good and the bad. There's a lot to be learned from both. My main takeaway from the day is just keep going! With a minute knowledge of eternity and strong belief in promises there this earth life will work out. The very mortal hurts, tiredness, frustration, sorrow etc will work out. Just don't give up or quit. Sit and rest, or stew but then move on. I'm very thankful for some tremendous healing that has happened in the last few years. Forgiveness, love, and courage has opened doors that have allowed beautiful comforting relationships. Family really is important warts and all. I'm very thankful for mine! 

Saturday, May 26, 2018

5.26.18 Brave tooth

This week Alivia lost her second front tooth. I think it must have been her scaredy tooth because boy howdy has she been brave since. 

I was gathering strength for the next chore when I heard the whir of the weed whacker. I didn't think much of it then it got closer. When I went out this is what I found.

She was loving her turn whacking whatever green stuff was in her path. I removed the battery thinking this not the safest use of her time. 
Later they went on to this. A mud hole! of course this is right before we needed to head to town. So baths for all and rushing to find clean clothes. Thank goodness no shoes were involved so they were dry and clean for town.

And a favorite pastime, bubbles. Thanks to Addie the superduper who had earned a lot fo good behavior tokens she bought out the teachers store of bubbles. She generously shared a good time with the younger kiddos. 

Friday, May 25, 2018

5.25.18 Scripture Heros

Some people really know how to have fun. Our primary president is one of those people. The kids were fortunate to attend the scripture hero activity a while back. They had sugary cold cereal for breakfast. Watched a movie about David and Goliath. Played some games - apple basket maybe?

Pass the ball over and under.

And then got balloon swords. AWESOME!

 Were instructed how to joust! I assured her they didn't need much instruction on that. My kids are naturals...maybe all girl houses needed more help. They all seemed to catch on pretty quickly.

 And then they faced Goliath!

He was no match for such a valiant army! So fun!!

The kids had a great time and loved all the activities. Some people are just more fun than others! Thankful to be invited to their parties though.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

5.24.18 End of the Year

The doors are about to fly open in the rush of students exiting for the last time this school year. It's been a good one, long and full of growth. I attended the quarterly awards assembly. As I hugged and wrestled and watched the littles as the colored, read books, and watched from the back of the gym my heart was full of appreciation for the teachers who unconditionally love my children. These people strive for ways to help them become who they have the potential to be.
I clap with the crowd for the many awards given out. I notice the many kids who get few or no awards. I celebrate accomplishment and know some of the back story of hard work, determination, and finally getting it. I am familiar with other backstories of trying hard but not being the best, or not trying much and not being noticed, it just depends on the year and subject.
Being the mom of lots of kids means I'm on lots of journeys. Some kids we are at peaceful meadows with, some we are still climbing through rocks and thorns. The scenery is always changing yet the basic personalities of my kids remain true to form and we battle with the quirks and the new challenges as they come.

Aliza got exceptional science award, top social studies student, and top writing award. She also passed the 10,000 point AR mark I think ending with 10,700 points she's holding her commemorative plaque. And she got a 4.0. 
John got top social study/history student award. He was proud to say he could be the teacher on quizzes about history. 
Addie the high flying award and academic excellence.
Mark 3.5-3.9 honor roll. Top science student, top math student, top history/social studies student.
Reed got the stick to it award for preserving and working hard. 
The history teacher stated that if you wanted to know about an issue or it was a hot topic just as these kids they have opinions and a lot of knowledge to share about most things. 

 Aliza being promoted to high school. Each 8th grader got one of these balloon prizes. Holding the balloons were water bottles filled with candy. After all these awards the kids played outside for a couple hours. After a while I was missing Afton, again, she came walking slowly by with her shirt rolled up. I paid no attention. My kids love rocks and I assumed she had a collection going. A while later I found her in the car eating candy. As I had instructed the school kids to put their possessions in the car I figured she was eating Aliza's candy and I would have to settle it later. I removed Afton from the car and we moved on.
When the kids came home I was informed that someone had stolen the candy gift from a missing student. The signs started clicking and I realized I had a candy bandit on my hands. I hurriedly texted the teacher and emailed the principal to apologize and promise restitution. Embarrassing! I also sent an apology and explanation to the Parents who put the gift together.
See sometimes you are the parent of the winner and sometimes you are the parent of the thief.

Yesterday as I was preparing to go get the kids I got a call from the school that Reed had been hurt when he ran into a pole. I was relieved to just hear it was a bruise.

And today the kids love the field day and playing with all the big kids. This is a stick horse obstacle course. The cloud cover and incoming storm made for a really pleasant morning to be outdoors visiting and playing.

This marks our 7th year at this school. It was a life changer to go so far away. It has been a much harder course travel and time wise. However the good that we have gained has made the difficulty barely noticeable. We are so thankful for the blessing of choice. Now to the summer!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

5.23.18 Regatta

After the play we hurried home to make our vegetable boat for the cub scout pack meeting that night. Reed chose a dry avocado we found the hot glue gun and glued in a mast for the sail and a support. The seeds are popcorn seeds used as ballast. We did some trial and error to find the correct proportion of sail to boat in the sink and were ready for another adventure. 

Reed also finally earned his bobcat. Yes 2 months after entering but we got it done before summer.

And the race. I really liked this competition. A. less skill required to fashion a boat. B. We just did it and didn't stress for a month about it.
There were lots of opportunities to race and a lot of the competition came down to the boys desire and ability to blow, blow, blow those boats down the rain gutter filled with water.

 There were lots of designs and approaches to this event. We learned that no sail was necessary but blowing into the avocado was important. There were some tears and some frustrated boys but that is so GOOD! We need to fail more and learn to try again and to LEARN from mistakes. This was a great evening for that.

Kids had a great time, we had a hot dog dinner and enjoyed visiting with moms and kids. Scouts is on a break for summer! Hoepfully we can muster more energy for it next fall. Love the dedicated leaders though who keep it fresh, keep the program going and most of all love the boys and teach them!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

5.22.18 Flapper

Endings are hard. End of a legacy are even more mixed. This lady is quickly coming to the end of her reign as the reading queen (of all time she hopes) and as a star performer of the bi-annual musicals. She left no doubt as to her ability and talent last week.

Photo by Amy Hall Eddy
We are very fortunate to have willing teachers who put in a lot of extra time to produce plays that allow the kids to sing, dance, and act. This experience has allowed kids to shine in ways that are not often seen in our very Arts Education limited district. This lady has seriously influenced, inspired, and guided Aliza the last 2 years she will be seriously missed.

Photo by Amy Hall Eddy

Photo by Amy Hall Eddy
I can't tell you much about the play as I was in the hall watching three of my younger kids play in puddles run around and be really bored with the expectation to sit and be quiet for 1 hour and 45 minutes. I saw 2 of the big singing acts was very impressed with the kids getting into their parts and \smiled big as Aliza had her day in the spotlight. Many hours of volunteer time were donated by the amazing mom's making scenery, treats, and decorating the school for this "Flapper" play. She sang a blues jazz type song called "Mona's Moanin Low". It was really good. She was the villainess. and she as always was stately on stage.

My one contribution was helping her with her hair. Years and years ago I learned a bit about pin curls from my great great Aunt Ruth. She and my grandma always wanted to try my hair in pin curls, we never did. I didn't really need them then or now. My hair waves and curls on it's own will as it will depending on stress, length, humidity and general goings on of the day.
Aliza has long straight hair not exactly flapper style. We weren't willing to chop it so we worked out an up-do via youtube.
We set the curls the night before. She slept on them and viola the next morning beautiful ringlets.

As always we were running behind Aliza was dressed and made up by a sweet grandma- way better than I could have managed. And we set out to enjoy the performance. That disintegrated quickly. However I am thankful for all the other women who helped Aliza have this success. My mom for helping with the awesome dress. The sweet grandma for the makeup. The friend who coached the singing and body language. The teacher who committed the quarter of school to the play. And the principal who lets this activity keep happening.
I heard years ago women are generous you don't have to teach your kids everything other's will help them along the way. That is so true for me. Thank goodness for the other hands and hearts who are helping my kids get where they want/need to be. 

Monday, May 21, 2018

5.21.18 Reap What you Sow

Oh man the last days of school the month of May equals lots of running and often falling just short here. It also equals a lot of accomplishment and Finally! moments. I was notified the night before that Harold would be getting an award at the all school awards assembly. I had been mentally preparing all week for the big musical at the other kids school so this was not on my radar. I had made plans to take the little kids who rarely get to go do anything more than grocery shop with me to a real fun date- storytime and the park with a cousin!
We made the trek and it was awesome. The kids loved doing something at their age level. The chicken nuggets and fries at the park (a first!!!) was an added bonus. 
We rushed home took a quick recharge nap and headed to the school at the time we were told to come. 
On my way in the door mom's congratulated me on Harold's award. AHHHH! I missed it by minutes. So we endured the last half hour of the assembly it was a solid 2 hour ordeal for the kids. I got this picture of the top beginning welding students before his friend rushed to the bus. 

This picture means a lot to me. 1 the boys let me take it. 2. they have both found a talent/interest/ niche that is so important to high school life. I love the ah-hah moment when a skill or task clicks and the kids want to work hard and do more to become better. I love the teachers that facilitate that and the newfound purpose the requirement of school becomes. I learned it has propelled him to complete assignments in other classes so he can go work on welding in his spare class time! That's a win. It took him to the state competition where he place in the top 15 as a freshman! I think we make it through this school deal after all last year I could not say that for sure. This kid has taught me again and again you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. 
 This son made me pull my hair out for years as he grew into the great young man he is now. This year has been awesome for him. He was ready for the change and freedom and has soared with it all. And this is his first award in years!! That means a lot to him and me.

These cuties had captured a crinkled monarch butterfly. The poor creature looked like something had tried to eat it and then spit it out. It entertained the little's throughout the assembly. 

We watched from the hall. This was very nice to be able to pay attention, roam, rest, run, and the like while not being disruptive to the proceedings. I felt like that poor crumpled up butterfly that day. Alive just barely, and so disappointed. I was worn out and done by the time we got home. 

Thank goodness I have helpers like these that come home to reinforce the walls of our home. She is full of vim and vigor and my most reliable finder. If something is lost for the promise of a reward she will find it. THis time her ransom was gummy worms. Two lost sets of shoes were recovered and we were able to be more appropriately clothed for the weekend adventures. Love her!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

5.17.18 Hair cut

We have passed through our May birthday month. Bless Addie she took ice cream cones to her class. Easy and satisfying. These were my big helpers. 

We also had another visit from the do it myself barber. Afton is now sporting a much shorter do. She was tickled about the change. I was not it was drastically chopped.

So off went the curls and hello summer hair. A mothers job is to teach her children independence and these younger ones have it in spades.
 I've had several conversations with older retired people who are super scared about the rising generation. They are plagued with stories of kids that don't get out of bed, play video games all day, live at home, don't know how to talk to people...and don't want to work hard physically. The older generation is fearful for the future of our country. I listen and admit it is a real problem but there are good kids around doing amazing things. I don't think this is the first generation of kids who lack ambition nor do I think it is the end of the world as we know it. I try to reassure them that there are many families, places, and efforts being made to ensure the survival of the good in our culture. So hopefully all these independent energetic people at my house will be some of those who carry on the good in our country. I think they will.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

5.16.18 Bigs and LIttles

Anna and I attended the Treasure VAlley Tech Program graduation last night. I was not excited to leave home on a Monday night. But was so happy to learn and witness the great good that is happening in our Valley. This program helps /teaches/allows high school students to develop and certify in skill programs to possess certifiable skills when they graduate high school. CNA, welding, child care, and automated technology are the current offerings. All areas that screaming for workers and are desperately short staffed. Anna took the introductory class to CNA. She has no desire to continue on but learned a lot nonetheless. 

 Her classmates and teacher.

And for mothers day we had a late dinner of steak and salad in preparation for yummy coconut chocolate cake. These two are learning young how to enjoy steak. Those who know say the meat next to the bone is the best so the bones are fought over here. Lovely!

Life is an interesting balance and juggling act with little people and big people. Thank goodness for babysitters and for the diversity in our home. Everyday has some place to be for one or more of the kids I'm so excited for summer when I HOPE!!! that we will have long days of driving no where and just being home working, reading, and growing. We will see those days seem to be filling with each new reminder brought home in the backpacks. Oh well let them eat steak and cake and we will survive.