Thursday, May 10, 2018

5.10.18 Likes or My mom's a flake

Last night Anna and Aliza invited me to attend a Mother's tea with them. It was beautiful and relaxing. The first item of business was filling out a questionnaire about how well they knew me. I also filled out the same questionnaire about my personal favorites. I just jaunted right along not putting too much thought into the questions and often times thinking well I like a lot of things, or it depends on so many variables. We obviously did not do well on this portion of the evening.

We moved on to the girls identifying their moms behind a curtain by choosing the correct barefoot. Then the moms likewise choosing their daughters hands from under a curtain. That was easy for me Aliza is so much fairer than all the other girls and has a distinct smattering of freckles on her hand. It's also a larger strong hand. Anna has distinct fingers I've watched them do so many things I knew her hand right off too. They had no problem with my foot I'd given them a clue the night before about the chipped nail polish.

We headed back to the room to discover who knew their mom the best and enjoy a delectable treat of chicken salad sandwiches, cookies, and fruit cup. It was a pleasant evening of visiting and quiet.
So back to the questionnaires the girls were so disappointed I didn't remember my favorite things. Their answers were in fact items I have declared liking -- tacos, Come thou fount of every blessing, travel destinations. I told them "Sorry your mom is just a flake..." I realized after listening to another gracious friend that I just like too many things.

I don't really have strong opinions about things like food and restaurants. It's more about just what is available, what my stomach can handle, what I can afford, time restraints, who's going to complain the most and go to bed semi-hungry because they didn't like dinner. My life is just not so much about me right now. I am responsible for a lot of people doing a lot of things, coupled with the new crop of animals and other miscellaneous friends and associates my mind is a whir all the time. I'm sorry my girls lost- they are competitive you know.

 Their personal letters to me written earlier were so much more than the "my mom likes to cook eggs and take naps" from a few years ago. I'm thankful they value the meals that are made and the clean clothes I demand and work to provide...that's about as far as I get these days food on the table on clean dishes, clean clothes and listening and running them or their siblings hither and yon. And keeping these baby animals alive.

It's a grand journey to be a mother. I do enjoy each of these diverse kiddos and am so thankful for each in my home but each night I sleep soundly and wake weary knowing another day of caring, correcting, cooking, cleaning, and praying for is ahead. I'm so thankful for the blessings that strengthen me in this journey.

(Wish I had pictures but can't get my iphone to release pictures so hopefully I will learn how to fix this problem soon.)

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