Monday, May 21, 2018

5.21.18 Reap What you Sow

Oh man the last days of school the month of May equals lots of running and often falling just short here. It also equals a lot of accomplishment and Finally! moments. I was notified the night before that Harold would be getting an award at the all school awards assembly. I had been mentally preparing all week for the big musical at the other kids school so this was not on my radar. I had made plans to take the little kids who rarely get to go do anything more than grocery shop with me to a real fun date- storytime and the park with a cousin!
We made the trek and it was awesome. The kids loved doing something at their age level. The chicken nuggets and fries at the park (a first!!!) was an added bonus. 
We rushed home took a quick recharge nap and headed to the school at the time we were told to come. 
On my way in the door mom's congratulated me on Harold's award. AHHHH! I missed it by minutes. So we endured the last half hour of the assembly it was a solid 2 hour ordeal for the kids. I got this picture of the top beginning welding students before his friend rushed to the bus. 

This picture means a lot to me. 1 the boys let me take it. 2. they have both found a talent/interest/ niche that is so important to high school life. I love the ah-hah moment when a skill or task clicks and the kids want to work hard and do more to become better. I love the teachers that facilitate that and the newfound purpose the requirement of school becomes. I learned it has propelled him to complete assignments in other classes so he can go work on welding in his spare class time! That's a win. It took him to the state competition where he place in the top 15 as a freshman! I think we make it through this school deal after all last year I could not say that for sure. This kid has taught me again and again you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. 
 This son made me pull my hair out for years as he grew into the great young man he is now. This year has been awesome for him. He was ready for the change and freedom and has soared with it all. And this is his first award in years!! That means a lot to him and me.

These cuties had captured a crinkled monarch butterfly. The poor creature looked like something had tried to eat it and then spit it out. It entertained the little's throughout the assembly. 

We watched from the hall. This was very nice to be able to pay attention, roam, rest, run, and the like while not being disruptive to the proceedings. I felt like that poor crumpled up butterfly that day. Alive just barely, and so disappointed. I was worn out and done by the time we got home. 

Thank goodness I have helpers like these that come home to reinforce the walls of our home. She is full of vim and vigor and my most reliable finder. If something is lost for the promise of a reward she will find it. THis time her ransom was gummy worms. Two lost sets of shoes were recovered and we were able to be more appropriately clothed for the weekend adventures. Love her!

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