Thursday, May 24, 2018

5.24.18 End of the Year

The doors are about to fly open in the rush of students exiting for the last time this school year. It's been a good one, long and full of growth. I attended the quarterly awards assembly. As I hugged and wrestled and watched the littles as the colored, read books, and watched from the back of the gym my heart was full of appreciation for the teachers who unconditionally love my children. These people strive for ways to help them become who they have the potential to be.
I clap with the crowd for the many awards given out. I notice the many kids who get few or no awards. I celebrate accomplishment and know some of the back story of hard work, determination, and finally getting it. I am familiar with other backstories of trying hard but not being the best, or not trying much and not being noticed, it just depends on the year and subject.
Being the mom of lots of kids means I'm on lots of journeys. Some kids we are at peaceful meadows with, some we are still climbing through rocks and thorns. The scenery is always changing yet the basic personalities of my kids remain true to form and we battle with the quirks and the new challenges as they come.

Aliza got exceptional science award, top social studies student, and top writing award. She also passed the 10,000 point AR mark I think ending with 10,700 points she's holding her commemorative plaque. And she got a 4.0. 
John got top social study/history student award. He was proud to say he could be the teacher on quizzes about history. 
Addie the high flying award and academic excellence.
Mark 3.5-3.9 honor roll. Top science student, top math student, top history/social studies student.
Reed got the stick to it award for preserving and working hard. 
The history teacher stated that if you wanted to know about an issue or it was a hot topic just as these kids they have opinions and a lot of knowledge to share about most things. 

 Aliza being promoted to high school. Each 8th grader got one of these balloon prizes. Holding the balloons were water bottles filled with candy. After all these awards the kids played outside for a couple hours. After a while I was missing Afton, again, she came walking slowly by with her shirt rolled up. I paid no attention. My kids love rocks and I assumed she had a collection going. A while later I found her in the car eating candy. As I had instructed the school kids to put their possessions in the car I figured she was eating Aliza's candy and I would have to settle it later. I removed Afton from the car and we moved on.
When the kids came home I was informed that someone had stolen the candy gift from a missing student. The signs started clicking and I realized I had a candy bandit on my hands. I hurriedly texted the teacher and emailed the principal to apologize and promise restitution. Embarrassing! I also sent an apology and explanation to the Parents who put the gift together.
See sometimes you are the parent of the winner and sometimes you are the parent of the thief.

Yesterday as I was preparing to go get the kids I got a call from the school that Reed had been hurt when he ran into a pole. I was relieved to just hear it was a bruise.

And today the kids love the field day and playing with all the big kids. This is a stick horse obstacle course. The cloud cover and incoming storm made for a really pleasant morning to be outdoors visiting and playing.

This marks our 7th year at this school. It was a life changer to go so far away. It has been a much harder course travel and time wise. However the good that we have gained has made the difficulty barely noticeable. We are so thankful for the blessing of choice. Now to the summer!

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