Tuesday, May 22, 2018

5.22.18 Flapper

Endings are hard. End of a legacy are even more mixed. This lady is quickly coming to the end of her reign as the reading queen (of all time she hopes) and as a star performer of the bi-annual musicals. She left no doubt as to her ability and talent last week.

Photo by Amy Hall Eddy
We are very fortunate to have willing teachers who put in a lot of extra time to produce plays that allow the kids to sing, dance, and act. This experience has allowed kids to shine in ways that are not often seen in our very Arts Education limited district. This lady has seriously influenced, inspired, and guided Aliza the last 2 years she will be seriously missed.

Photo by Amy Hall Eddy

Photo by Amy Hall Eddy
I can't tell you much about the play as I was in the hall watching three of my younger kids play in puddles run around and be really bored with the expectation to sit and be quiet for 1 hour and 45 minutes. I saw 2 of the big singing acts was very impressed with the kids getting into their parts and \smiled big as Aliza had her day in the spotlight. Many hours of volunteer time were donated by the amazing mom's making scenery, treats, and decorating the school for this "Flapper" play. She sang a blues jazz type song called "Mona's Moanin Low". It was really good. She was the villainess. and she as always was stately on stage.

My one contribution was helping her with her hair. Years and years ago I learned a bit about pin curls from my great great Aunt Ruth. She and my grandma always wanted to try my hair in pin curls, we never did. I didn't really need them then or now. My hair waves and curls on it's own will as it will depending on stress, length, humidity and general goings on of the day.
Aliza has long straight hair not exactly flapper style. We weren't willing to chop it so we worked out an up-do via youtube.
We set the curls the night before. She slept on them and viola the next morning beautiful ringlets.

As always we were running behind Aliza was dressed and made up by a sweet grandma- way better than I could have managed. And we set out to enjoy the performance. That disintegrated quickly. However I am thankful for all the other women who helped Aliza have this success. My mom for helping with the awesome dress. The sweet grandma for the makeup. The friend who coached the singing and body language. The teacher who committed the quarter of school to the play. And the principal who lets this activity keep happening.
I heard years ago women are generous you don't have to teach your kids everything other's will help them along the way. That is so true for me. Thank goodness for the other hands and hearts who are helping my kids get where they want/need to be. 

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