Tuesday, May 29, 2018

5.29.18 Memorial Day

Memorial Day starts out bright and early loading in the car heading to my sisters. We eagerly start clipping flowers and greenery to make bouquets to decorate graves. My grandma had created a beautiful although labor intensive yard. The flowers are beautiful this time of year, and my sister and family have kept them so nicely! 
I have grown to really enjoy the creating process of the day. This year my wise sister and mom brought in some flowers from other growers or locations we had a plethora of beauty to work with. Flowers are such gorgeous pieces of this amazing earth. 
  The kids loved playing together. Bruce found a new experience being pulled in the trailer by Reed. Bruce loved to sit on this tractor which happened to be his Granpa Bruce's when he was a little boy. 

At the cemetery the kids had a good time and did very well transporting the bouquets to the various grave sites.

My nephew who passed last year had a unique and perfect grave marker!! The kids were impressed and very reverent at this first stop. They are still processing his death and have remarked how they wish they could be in heaven too, or why did David have to go? Why couldn't he breath or what happened. It's been very insightful to discuss this passing with them. It's rare- thank God- that children have a peer who dies. They seem to be handling it well though and take it as matter of fact. Love their sweet spirits and love for each other. It is a blessing to have cousin/friends to share the adventures and hardships of life with.

A sample of our flower offerings at a long passed relatives grave.

My cute sisters sporting sweet babies int he best baby carriers made the Lile baby pack! Works from newborn to big kid without killing mom's back and is super washable. Fell in love with this pack last time. I've used most of them the sling, the wrap, the inferior backpacks, frame packs. This was by far the easiest most baby soothing and mom friendly I have used. And I love that you can still do live while being close to your baby, which is what they want. Win-win!

We rounded out the day with the annual family picnic, hayride and new this year water activities. I have no pictures because I was 'in the moment' visiting with cousins and keeping a leery eye on children fully enjoying the first water activities of the year. It is a good day to reflect and build memories for the future. I love my family past and present for the good and the bad. There's a lot to be learned from both. My main takeaway from the day is just keep going! With a minute knowledge of eternity and strong belief in promises there this earth life will work out. The very mortal hurts, tiredness, frustration, sorrow etc will work out. Just don't give up or quit. Sit and rest, or stew but then move on. I'm very thankful for some tremendous healing that has happened in the last few years. Forgiveness, love, and courage has opened doors that have allowed beautiful comforting relationships. Family really is important warts and all. I'm very thankful for mine! 

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