Friday, May 25, 2018

5.25.18 Scripture Heros

Some people really know how to have fun. Our primary president is one of those people. The kids were fortunate to attend the scripture hero activity a while back. They had sugary cold cereal for breakfast. Watched a movie about David and Goliath. Played some games - apple basket maybe?

Pass the ball over and under.

And then got balloon swords. AWESOME!

 Were instructed how to joust! I assured her they didn't need much instruction on that. My kids are naturals...maybe all girl houses needed more help. They all seemed to catch on pretty quickly.

 And then they faced Goliath!

He was no match for such a valiant army! So fun!!

The kids had a great time and loved all the activities. Some people are just more fun than others! Thankful to be invited to their parties though.

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