Thursday, May 17, 2018

5.17.18 Hair cut

We have passed through our May birthday month. Bless Addie she took ice cream cones to her class. Easy and satisfying. These were my big helpers. 

We also had another visit from the do it myself barber. Afton is now sporting a much shorter do. She was tickled about the change. I was not it was drastically chopped.

So off went the curls and hello summer hair. A mothers job is to teach her children independence and these younger ones have it in spades.
 I've had several conversations with older retired people who are super scared about the rising generation. They are plagued with stories of kids that don't get out of bed, play video games all day, live at home, don't know how to talk to people...and don't want to work hard physically. The older generation is fearful for the future of our country. I listen and admit it is a real problem but there are good kids around doing amazing things. I don't think this is the first generation of kids who lack ambition nor do I think it is the end of the world as we know it. I try to reassure them that there are many families, places, and efforts being made to ensure the survival of the good in our culture. So hopefully all these independent energetic people at my house will be some of those who carry on the good in our country. I think they will.

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