Tuesday, May 15, 2018

5.15.18 Mounted Shooting

Our 4-H club was hired to be balloon stockers at a mounted shooting event this past weekend. It was an eye opener and ear popper! I took most of the kids. The little ones were fascinated with the horses and shooting and the pavillion had great seating coupled with some suckers Harold donated from ASB elections it was a fun time for them. They were so cute all covering their ears as the contestants competed.

The wise 4-H leaders divided the club boys side and girls side. This was a very important decision as the shoot lasted over 6 hours. And that was 6 hours of almost constant running. 
The boys deciding who was going to go and getting balloons prepared. 4 white and 4 read were placed for each rider to shoot in a barrel racing style running event.

Charging out to change the balloons. 

A shooter. That cute baby in the bottom corner was amazing. She sat all day in her little headphones watching and waiting on her mama who was a competitor.

This lady was two short to reach the balloon poles so she helped Aliza who almost single handedly blew up over 800 balloons. Aliza's fingers were calloused from placing the balloons on the pipes. Thank goodness for no tying and helium!

The girls getting ready to run and beat the boys!! So that battle of the sexes became so necessary to keeping the kids motivated, moving, and NOT mopping after hour 4-6. That desire to beat the other made them hustle and was commented on by all the regulars (announcers, judges, etc.) as being almost as fun to watch as the shooting. That Addie has heart and a LONG stride. She just kept going taking a lot of runs. A judge told us the football team would be the placers the next day and they did not run after the first hour. The girls wanted to go back just to watch how they did the next day. We did not.

Because she could reach the poles she would race down the bleachers till the girls reached the furthest pole then race back with them. She was so sweet. 4-H has been an eye opener get the kids out doing some different activities than we would ever choose to do, but good because they are with their peers. We really appreciate our leaders patience and insistence on the kids running the show. While it is a crazy move on our part to add more to our schedule we are gaining skills and experiences that are necessary for these middle kids to grow some more too. 

And because of all that running the kids did this the entire hour long car ride home!


In between in preparation for the big ear piercing birthday we were recommended to a local jewelry shop LaDon's. We rushed and waited through a very busy rush hour to the shop and were back in time to blow up a couple hundred more balloons to finish the day out.
The owner was so personable and is was a very peaceful experience vs. going to the mall! And now Aliza is pierced. She is a lovely lady with our without extra adornment.

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