Wednesday, May 9, 2018

5.9.18 Homework

Anna has been missing a lot of school with FFA activities. Thus her nights are full of homework. Bruce was enjoying some time with her last week showing her that he too could write. 

I often wonder about the relationships my youngest will have with my oldest. It makes me sad to think that most of his life will be without her around. Likewise that she won't know the younger kids as well. So it's balm to my heart to see them love and encourage each other while we are all under the same roof. The time is quickly slipping away that Anna will be in our home. While I'm so pleased with who she has chosen and worked to become it is also bittersweet that her time here is quickly passing.
Oh well even if not under the same roof I know they will still love and influence each other. Life is good and we are blessed.

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