Wednesday, May 23, 2018

5.23.18 Regatta

After the play we hurried home to make our vegetable boat for the cub scout pack meeting that night. Reed chose a dry avocado we found the hot glue gun and glued in a mast for the sail and a support. The seeds are popcorn seeds used as ballast. We did some trial and error to find the correct proportion of sail to boat in the sink and were ready for another adventure. 

Reed also finally earned his bobcat. Yes 2 months after entering but we got it done before summer.

And the race. I really liked this competition. A. less skill required to fashion a boat. B. We just did it and didn't stress for a month about it.
There were lots of opportunities to race and a lot of the competition came down to the boys desire and ability to blow, blow, blow those boats down the rain gutter filled with water.

 There were lots of designs and approaches to this event. We learned that no sail was necessary but blowing into the avocado was important. There were some tears and some frustrated boys but that is so GOOD! We need to fail more and learn to try again and to LEARN from mistakes. This was a great evening for that.

Kids had a great time, we had a hot dog dinner and enjoyed visiting with moms and kids. Scouts is on a break for summer! Hoepfully we can muster more energy for it next fall. Love the dedicated leaders though who keep it fresh, keep the program going and most of all love the boys and teach them!

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