Wednesday, May 16, 2018

5.16.18 Bigs and LIttles

Anna and I attended the Treasure VAlley Tech Program graduation last night. I was not excited to leave home on a Monday night. But was so happy to learn and witness the great good that is happening in our Valley. This program helps /teaches/allows high school students to develop and certify in skill programs to possess certifiable skills when they graduate high school. CNA, welding, child care, and automated technology are the current offerings. All areas that screaming for workers and are desperately short staffed. Anna took the introductory class to CNA. She has no desire to continue on but learned a lot nonetheless. 

 Her classmates and teacher.

And for mothers day we had a late dinner of steak and salad in preparation for yummy coconut chocolate cake. These two are learning young how to enjoy steak. Those who know say the meat next to the bone is the best so the bones are fought over here. Lovely!

Life is an interesting balance and juggling act with little people and big people. Thank goodness for babysitters and for the diversity in our home. Everyday has some place to be for one or more of the kids I'm so excited for summer when I HOPE!!! that we will have long days of driving no where and just being home working, reading, and growing. We will see those days seem to be filling with each new reminder brought home in the backpacks. Oh well let them eat steak and cake and we will survive.

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