Monday, June 11, 2018

6.11.18 Squirt Gun school

A big part of summer is water. Although its been pretty mild weather there has still been plenty of instruction on different ways to get wet. Bruce took a short course in how to squirt the squirt gun and immediately began practicing on unsuspecting sisters and mom. The look of joy on his face was priceless.  Thank goodness it was a small capacity gun.

Livy took a spill off the four wheeler requiring over 6 bandages and some R & R. She managed to pull her self together when the squirts got too frequent.

And another book worm in the making. Our house is littered with books of all shapes sizes and genres. Summer is a time to read and listen to stories and to pretend your own. The sleeping bag is out in preparation for fathers & sons. The boys had a great time! The girls watched some movies and we took care of all the many animals needing care this time of year. Summer is a good time!

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