Tuesday, June 5, 2018

6.5.18 Send- off

Man I just about lost it taking the older two to the airport for a weeklong adventure. I was so nervous. Thank goodness the little kids came along. They did the crying and playing so I could just stick in mom roll. This guy was so sad to let his best buddy go. He had a good time teasing her on the way over and cried a lot when she left. He's doing okay so far. Although I sure miss sleeping solo as he comes up every night in tears missing his sister. 

To drown our sorrows we headed to the nearest McDonalds. A new bad habit learned from my younger sister. We indulged in burgers and nuggets. It was a better ride home. 

Funny kids. What a difference your place in the family makes. MY 1 and 2 are off on an adventure my 10 & 11 are sad they are gone but making do with the love and care of other siblings and are kept busy running here and there chasing them all. And we eat at McDonald's. Really that is a new horizon...we live a sheltered life here on the farm a good 30 miles from McD's. Good deal or this might be a too often habit. Thankful to have the assortment to keep my heart from breaking when some go off. Good times!

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