Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Man summer is flying by. We attempted to tame our Chinese Elm jungle last week. It's a constant battle with those blessed trees. We have amazing shade a beautiful yard but if not worked on each year we would be nothing but trees EVERYWHERE. Bruce loves when we get out the hand tools. He was in heaven holding one while his brothers used the others to saw the trees. According to our tree knowing uncle we sawed them close to the ground then drilled a hole in the trunk and poured borax mixed with water on the fresh stump. Hopefully that works. 

A perk of the evening was a long awaited bonfire. We happened to have chocolate bars and graham crackers that had not been devoured yet. Thank goodness fro an always prepared grandma who had marshmallows so we could enjoy s'mores after all our work.

It's amazing how fast the kiddos put the fire supplies together. I was still picking up sticks and watching the fire to make sure no one got too close while they whittled sticks, gathered chairs, and got all the ingredients assembled.
The next day Bruce was more than happy to tackle his Goliath brother John. These two are peas in a pod in their desire to wrestle and rough each other up.

Mark was helping Bruce conqueror John! Bruce is sure loving all these brothers around who are not afraid or averse to playing boy style with him.

Summer is a good time of late nights, long work days, reading, playing some, and floating along as the situations arise. We should probably be more organized I keep thinking some year I will be more energetic and on the ball. Since the midwife appointment I've really increased all my supplementation trying to build stronger blood and man am I tired. They said at the appointment I should be really tired but this last week I've been more tired than before... not sure what that means more phone consults scheduled tomorrow. Until then we will keep surviving and doing the necessaries with a few extras like cleaning freezers, organizing and sorting clothes, and reading a lot of stories

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