Friday, June 8, 2018

6.6.18 Respect and the Future

This has been an interesting week. I have been so thankful for the technology to talk/ hear my children as they are very far away. I get their impressions, their questions and a few pictures that in the beginning made my heart smile. I can honestly say they have had a few more layers of innocence rubbed off this week. They have seen, felt, and read about true American greatness. They have seen the blessings that we so often take for granted. They have been disgusted with the lack of respect for those virtues so freely given and so desperately won. A way of life only possible by God's sustaining hand. 

They have also witnessed and felt the confusion of the great evil that has swept our nation as we have become more prosperous, more self-serving, and more attuned to a very loud entertainment culture. They have risen to new awarenesses and made friends. They have gained confidence to care for themselves and felt the crippling sadness of how small we are in the scheme of this planet. They have been shown some of the muddy water of world politics. The unfortunate suffering of billions in other parts of the world. And they have witnessed history. 

 In the capital.

At the Washington DC temple during a down pour.

At a monument on their monument tour. After a LONG day of speed walking and running escalators.

And the other happenings of the week. Bruce found and fell in love with wet dirt!

We roll on protecting and nurturing innocence and yet there is a time when we loose it. When our eyes are opened and we begin to see and wonder how we can help? What effects our actions have and if any of it matters? This week it has been my opportunity to bear my testimony to share love with my children and to pray for them. David McCullough the nations leading historian declared our country is historically illiterate. Through reading, discussing, and visiting sites we are seeking to change that in our family. We also try to help the less fortunate in our community.

I love that the conference keeps having the kids repeat "We do what we can with what we have where we are at with what we have!" Yes we do. My heart has been touched, as I told Anna that the hope of the nation lies in families who teach respect, reverence, and honor of the goodness of the country, the sacrifices that got us here, and who continue to live those time honored values. The families that are raising her cousins, and many others like them are the only hope our country has for turning the stem of selfishness, evil, and complete corruption.

My understanding of my role in this has been deepened. At a time when I have been wondering if there was any purpose at in all in all the cleaning and managing and re-teaching. Wondering why I couldn't do something bigger or more important? But as I read her confusion, disgust, and heart messages I realize that teaching this gaggle of kids and just doing what we do is highly important. This has been a great week for our family and one that I hope we all remember.

Anna has said more than once this week "Mom we are so blessed!" "Mom we live like millionaires, we have everything!" (that was a surprise to her). And "Mom we just don't realize how good we have it...." She's right we don't. Our safety, security, abundance, and rich access to all we want is astounding. We are blessed, and so excited for them to come home!

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