Tuesday, June 26, 2018

6.26.18 Father's Day

There's a lot of talk about self-esteem in this rising generation lately. Or better stated the lack of self-esteem in the kids today and the disturbing trend toward suicide. I think a lot of self-esteem comes from dad interactions. Dad's challenge, don't accept less, encourage, and believe in better than you think you can be. This father's day was interesting. 
We are in the two ships passing in the dark phase of marriage. Little time of leisure or even shared normal activies as we are both doing as much as possible to keep those ships floating. It's not super fun but their are some big rewards family wise. 
After a nice family picnic we stopped at KEvin's the boys were in awe of this sweet toy of his. 

Randomly I looked over while visiting with my sisters and realized holy cow these ladies all bare a strong resemblance. I often wonder if there is any of my genetics in these kids of mine but that night yep at least one looked to be from my side of the family. 

I'm thankful for the impact family has on mine. PRoviding wisdom, reassurance, examples, and sometimes just fun it's a relief to have family close by.
Meanwhile outside the kids were playing too. Enjoying each other's company and imaginations. IT was a good night.

Sweet times made possible by hard working, long suffering, full of endure to the end commitment of dads. I'm sure thankful for the rock my dad has been and am working to fully appreciate the different yet important way Greg father's our children. He makes my life possible and is always encouraging me onward.  From tenderly leading me to bed each night after rescuing me from sleeping with Bruce in his bed, to being the enforcer, to teaching our kids (they sure seem to remember what he says more than me), to showing us his strong example of devoted service he blesses us daily.  Dad's are pretty grand and important and I'm thankful for the multitude of them that surround and influence my family.

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