Friday, June 8, 2018

6.8.18 Haying

We live in a beautiful spot of the world. We are also surrounded by aging neighbors who are battling various forms of aging and disease. We got a call to come help pick-up hay on Monday. The older kids and Greg have done this in years past and came home feeling very strong and capable. Monday night we all decided to go. 

John clowning around as he so often does when the going gets tough. He keeps things light and learned more about his abilities this night.

We sincerely missed our bigger more developed kids. But as we peel them away onto other learning ventures it gives the next set a chance to grow, experience, and challenge their own limits.

We had to have Aliza's muscles outside. So Bruce drove.

The little ones are not to be left out. Afton decked out in her princess dress rolled bales closer to the pick-up spot so dad didn't have to walk so far. She had a ball!!!

And at the end of the day last trip to the barn the smiles of relief and accomplishment are real and earned. Man I love my new camera and the opportunity to catch the moments of our family life. It was a windy dirty night but oh so good to be together!

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