Monday, June 25, 2018

6.25.18 Trying new stuff

The oldest girls were gone last week. Boy was that different. I decided I better get some hobbies or something because man was the house lonely without my big talkers around. I attempted to practice some piano songs. This big helper came to share the bench with me and was the most insistent kid I've ever had on not sharing the keyboard. He then moved onto just plain sitting on the keys and that short piano practice session was quickly over. 

I also decided to try some more adventurous cooking. The daily need for sustenance is amazing this summer and I'm cooking more than I ever remember. Coupled with the resulting dishes mess I rarely leave the kitchen. MAybe that's why the daily walk I get to take is so refreshing.
Tortillas are pretty fast and painless with this sweet gadget. A tortilla press. So nice!

And because I'm supposed to be eating lots of protein and low sugar breakfast sandwiches. I made the english muffins from scratch. It was pretty easy and not too involved. They were yummy and the batch made about 24 which is like $5.00 to buy so if bored it wasn't a bad trade off. This looks like a lot but it's about one meal for all the hungry bodies here. Sigh! 

Oh well, I'm thankful for some electric appliances and a dishwasher that does  at least  1/3 of the dishes. And I'm even more grateful my older girls are home!! They breathe life  and excitement into our family and calm to my soul. I know I shouldn't be so dependent on them, but I truly lean on them a lot as I get more and more unable to do things as I increase in size. They easily glide in and pick up the pieces and keep us moving along.
Saturday night we finally had everyone home under our roof from various activities of the week. It was the best feeling to have them all safely gathered in. We stayed up till after 1 just listening to their stories, frustrations, joys, and experiences of the week. I love the teen age. We devoured almost a whole box of donuts, they were good!, and just soaked up being together. After feeling like I just couldn't go on with all this and I was pretty much failing on all sides it was a reassuring way to end the week just being surrounded by their goodness and vitality. I'm thankful for the people they are choosing to be and for the love that they so freely share. It is the fountain of life to have kids in our home.

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